A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

June 23, 1999

Julie Green
(202) 401-3026

On the Findings of the California Class Size Study

Reducing class size with well-trained teachers can and must be a national priority. Given the scale, speed and complexity of California's reforms, the small but significant achievement gains seen in small classes for all students is encouraging.

While the results of this initial study of California's efforts demonstrate that reducing class size is hard work and must be well thought out, it also shows that students are benefiting from these first steps. Parents of students in smaller classes have more contact with teachers, and teachers with small classes spend less time on discipline issues and more time working one-on-one with problem readers. Given the state's commitment to this program and its new emphasis on providing resources for teacher recruitment and training and school facilities, I am hopeful that future years will show more progress in California as we have already seen in other states.

Research is clear that smaller classes with well-trained teachers, particularly in early grades, make a real difference in raising student achievement, reducing discipline problems, identifying children with learning problems early, allowing teachers to more effectively cover course material, and improving parent-teacher connections. That's why President Clinton's plan to reduce class size nationwide by hiring 100,000 teachers in grades 1-3 gives local schools time to plan for their future needs, provides resources to ensure that teachers are well-trained, and targets funds to the neediest communities where it is often most difficult to attract and retain good teachers.

It is imperative that we provide our children with smaller classes, well-trained teachers, and safe and modern schools to give them the best possible learning environment for the 21st century. Our nation's parents, teachers and students deserve nothing less.


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