Press Room

March 1, 2007

Paulson Statement on President’s Intent to Nominate Nason for Assistant Secretary

Washington, D.C.--Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson released the following statement today regarding the President's intent to nominate David G. Nason for the position of Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions.

"I am truly pleased with the President's intention to nominate David Nason to succeed Assistant Secretary Emil Henry. David has already shown great commitment to the President's economic agenda and to the Treasury Department as a Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions. 

"Since arriving at Treasury, David has been a key member of the domestic finance team.   He has demonstrated sound judgment, leadership, and technical sophistication with his work to improve the government sponsored enterprises' regulatory structures and to reform the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act.

"David has also been critical in shaping Treasury's policy on enhancing the competitiveness of the U.S. capital markets and helping the Department to fulfill the important duties of the President's Working Group on Financial Markets.  His prior service at the Securities and Exchange Commission has complimented his work at Treasury quite well.

"From the moment I arrived at the Department, I was impressed with David's expertise, dedication, and professionalism and I could see that he was greatly respected by his colleagues.  I have the utmost confidence in his abilities and look forward to working with the Senate to see David confirmed."