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  • The Arctic Council
    The Arctic Council is a high-level intergovernmental forum that provides a mechanism to address the common concerns and challenges faced by the Arctic governments and the people of the Arctic.
  • Arctic Documentary Film database  More Info
    This database contains information on approximately 35 000 documentary films from the Barents region.
  • Arctic Human Health Initiative (AHHI)
    The website for the Arctic Human Health Initiative (AHHI), a project of the Arctic Council which is an eight nation intergovernmental forum for sustainable development and environmental protection in the Arctic. Circumpolar in scope, the AHHI will expand human health research in the areas of infectious diseases, the human health effects of anthropogenic pollution, the human health impact of climate change, and telehealth innovations.
  • Canadian International Polar Year Web Site
    The Canadian Steering Committee (CSC) is supported by the Canadian Secretariat, which is hosted at the University of Alberta , and works in concert with the Canadian Polar Commission and the IPY Federal Working Group to coordinate Canada ’s IPY initiatives.
  • International Council for Science (ICSU) - IPY 2007-08  More Info
    The ICSU and World Meteorological Organization formed a joint committee to launch IPY 2007 -2008. ICSU was formed to strengthen international science for the benefit of society
  • International Network of Circumpolar Health Research
    The INCHR is a voluntary network of individual researchers, research trainees, and supporters of research based in academic research centres, Indigenous people's organizations, regional health authorities, scientific/professional associations, and government agencies, who share the goal of improving the health of the residents of the circumpolar regions through international cooperation in scientific research.
  • International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008
    The International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008 will be an intense, internationally coordinated campaign of research that will initiate a new era in polar science. IPY 2007-2008 will include research in both polar regions and recognize the strong links these regions have with the rest of the globe. It will involve a wide range of research disciplines, including the social sciences, but the emphasis will be interdisciplinary in its approach and truly international in participation.
  • International Union for Circumpolar Health (IUCH)  More Info
    An international non-governmental organization, with members throughout the circumpolar regions.
  • International Whaling Commission
    The main duty of the IWC is to keep under review and revise as necessary the measures which govern the conduct of whaling throughout the world. These measures, among other things, provide for the complete protection of certain species; designate specified areas as whale sanctuaries; set limits on the numbers and size of whales which may be taken; prescribe open and closed seasons and areas for whaling; and prohibit the capture of suckling calves and female whales accompanied by calves. The compilation of catch reports and other statistical and biological records is also required. In addition, the Commission encourages, co-ordinates and funds whale research, publishes the results of scientific research and promotes studies into related matters such as the humaneness of the killing operations.

  • World Health Organization  More Info
    The United Nations specialized agency for health, established in 1948.
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