Diseases & Conditions

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Diseases & Conditions

May lead to stroke or sudden death.

As blood cholesterol levels rise, so does the risk for cardiovascular disease.

Congenital Heart Disease
Heart defects are more common than you think.

Increases cardiovascular disease risk by two to four times.

Heart Attack
Can cause permanent damage to the heart muscle — or death.

Heart Failure
Inhibits the heart’s ability to pump blood.

High Blood Pressure
The single most important risk factor for stroke.

Metabolic Syndrome
This group of risk factors includes many of the other conditions that are risk factors by themselves.

Considered a major risk factor for coronary heart disease and heart attack.

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
Commonly undiagnosed and can lead to heart attack or stroke.

The nation's third leading cause of death.

tools for Success

Heart360   Set goals and track your progress on managing blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, weight, physical activity and medication with our online cardiovascular wellness center.

ABCs of Preventing Heart Disease and Stroke  Simple ways to help prevent cardiovascular disease.

The Heart of Caregiving  Support, tips and tools to help you care for yourself while looking after others.

Cardiac Rehab Take an active role in improving your health after a heart attack or heart disease diagnosis.

Medicine Management We can help you follow your doctor's recommendations for medication and healthy habits.

The Heart Profilers Free, confidential, personalized treatment options tools that can help you understand and participate in your care or that of your loved ones.

Active Partnership Cardiac Rehab Workbook and DVD
The American Heart Association has an award-winning, easy-to-follow cardiac rehabilitation program that can help you and your loved ones take control of their heart health.

Lifestyle Choices

Diet and Nutrition Without proper nutrition, your diet can contribute to cardiovascular disease.

Physical Activity The more sedentary you are, the bigger the risk for heart disease and stroke.

Smoking All tobacco-related products are enemies of your heart.

Alcohol Excess drinking can raise blood pressure, cause heart failure and lead to stroke.


This content is reviewed regularly. Last updated 04/30/09.

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'Swine' flu update for people with heart disease (4/30/09)

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