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UC Research in the Arts,
Humanities and Social Sciences

Today's students will work, vote and pursue their dreams in a society driven by change. A great university helps provide its students with their own moral and intellectual compass to navigate through complexity and uncertainty.

A great university also meets society's need for well-educated citizens possessed of a broad perspective on critical issues. For more than 135 years, the University of California has met these responsibilities through unmatched programs in the humanities, social sciences and the arts.

Throughout California, communities are stimulated and enriched by the exhibits, concerts and plays presented year 'round at UC campuses; the outpouring of novels, nonfiction books and articles by UC faculty members provide insight into our world and its people.

In addition to the myriad of individual campus research programs in the arts, humanities and social sciences, the University of California also has a number of systemwide, multi-campus research endeavors.

UC Institute for Research in the Arts
Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation
UC Humanities Research Institute
Linguistic Minority Research Institute
UC Committee on Latino Research
Pacific Rim Research Program
UC MEXUS - UC Institute for Mexico and the United States
Transnational and Transcolonial Studies Multicampus
     Research Group

The Dickens Project
UC Digital Arts Research Network (DARnet)
Digital Cultures Project
History and Culture of Late Antiquity
Institute for Labor and Employment
Sierra Nevada Research Institute
World Cultures Institute
Academic Associates Program at San Diego
     Supercomputer Center

President's Report - published six times a year, this report
    highlights of UC research discoveries and achievements




The UC Institute for Mexico and the United States was established in 1980 as a universitywide consortium to bring together UC resources for research, education, creative activity and public service concerning Mexico and people of Mexican origin.


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