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at the National Labs

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  Health > Health Research at the National Labs

Research at the three UC-managed national laboratories advances human health by using our scientific and engineering capabilities to focus on areas of genomics, disease susceptibility and prevention, and improved health care and medical biotechnology. The convergence of biological, physical and computational sciences has given us the tools to begin understanding biological complexity and use this knowledge to great benefit in many national security, public health and environmental applications.

Berkeley (LBNL)
Life Sciences:
     Cell and Molecular Biology
     Molecular and Nuclear Medicine
     Subcellular Structure
     Genome Science
Physical Biosciences:
Environment, Health and Safety
Research Review Magazine (find articles on such health related
     topics as human genome, DNA and other medical research
     by issue date and topic)

Livermore (LLNL)
BioSecurity and Nanosciences Laboratory
Center for Biotechnology, Biophysical Sciences and Bioengineering
Biology and Biotechnology Research
Bioengineering Research
Human Genome Center
I.M.A.G.E. Consortium - world's largest collection of genes
PEREGRINE - calculating radiation treatments for cancer
     and other diseases
Environmental Chemistry and Biology Group
Environmental Safety and Health program

Los Alamos (LANL)
The biosciences constitute an era of great revolution and bring together elements of many disciplines. Los Alamos has brought together genomics, chemistry, computational science and microbiology to address the challenging problems of the next century.

Risk Assessment for Human Health and the Environment

Human Genome Project
The Joint Genomics Institute is a collaboration of the Berkeley, Livermore and Los Alamos laboratories funded by the Department of Energy.




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