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General Information

Undergraduate Admissions

Graduate Admissions

Paying for UC


Paying for UC

You already know that preparing yourself academically for college takes planning and effort. So does managing the cost of your college education. The University of California is committed to helping all academically eligible students attend, regardless of their economic circumstances.

Your college education is one of the most important investments you can make during your lifetime. Today, a college education is a necessity for many careers and jobs, and a college degree is required preparation for advanced study in many fields.

Average Yearly Income

High school graduate $31,075
Bachelor's degree $50,394
Master's degree $60,514
Doctorate $77,445

When you graduate, you will find that your UC degree opens many doors. Remember that:

  • The University of California can help you and your family plan for and manage the cost of your college education.
  • UC has financing options available to students at all income levels. Nearly two-thirds of UC undergraduates receive some form of financial aid, and UC enrolls more lower income students that any comparable university in the nation.

Campus Financial Aid Offices and Estimators new!

Berkeley | Financial Aid and Scholarships | CAL-culator — Aid Estimator
Davis| Financial Aid and Scholarships | Financial Aid Estimator
Irvine | Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships | My Aid Estimator
Los Angeles | Financial Aid Office | UCLA Aid Estimator
Merced | Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships | Financial Aid Estimator
Riverside | Financial Assistance | Financial Aid Estimator
San Diego | UCSD Financial Aid | Financial Aid Estimator
San Francisco | Students Financial Services
Santa Barbara | Financial Aid Office | Financial Aid Estimator
Santa Cruz | Financial Aid Office | Financial Aid Calculator

For help financing a UC education, please see:

Applying for Financial Aid | Information about financial aid

For information about student fees, please see:

UC Newsroom | Student Fees

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Last updated: November 10, 2008