Shown here in an April 2 photo, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that the CIA and the Bush administration misled her during a 2002 briefing about waterboarding. (Photo by Tim Sloan/AFP/Newscom)

Tim Sloan/AFP/Newscom

Shown here in an April 2 photo, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that the CIA and the Bush administration misled her during a 2002 briefing about waterboarding.

To probe detainee abuse, Congress leans toward outsourcing

Success of the 9/11 commission means lawmakers often punt toughest investigations to independent bodies – despite some internal resistance.

New GI Bill too popular for the Pentagon's own good?

4:53 p.m. ET · Veterans are rushing to take advantage of the comprehensive education benefits, raising the question of whether the bill will hurt retention.

Tiny Saudi democracy movement sends king blueprint for reform

Signed by 77 activists, a petition sent by express mail Wednesday night calls for an elected parliament and public access to the trials of 991 suspects in Al Qaeda-inspired violence.

In Kenya, white aristocrat's prison sentence brings noisy protest

The murder case against Thomas Cholmondeley exposed rifts of class and race. Imprisoned already for three years, he received eight months in prison.

Is Cheney helping or hurting the GOP?

The former vice president is charging hard in defense of Bush-era antiterror policies, but some party analysts say other Republican voices need to emerge.

Terrorism & Security | Daily Update

Burma opposition leader Suu Kyi faces trial after visit by uninvited American

The military junta accuses her of violating her house arrest after a Vietnam vet swam across a lake to her home.

New round of foreclosures delivers blow to recovery

Foreclosures hit new highs in April and more are expected in months ahead.

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Pat Murphy talks with reporter Ron Scherer

Home foreclosures continue in the US, but help could be on the way.

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