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U.S. National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health


Alaska Medical Library
Consortium Library
University of Alaska Anchorage


Last updated: April 15, 2009
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Acronyms & Abbreviations

ACRH Alaska Center for Rural Health
AFHCAN Alaska Federal Health Care Access Network
AFN Alaska Federation of Natives
AHDRDN Arctic Health Disparities Research Dissemination Network
AIA Aleut International Association
AIP Arctic Investigation Program, CDC
AITC Alaska Inter-Tribal Council
AMAP Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program, Arctic Council
ANHB Alaska Native Health Board
ANMC Alaska Native Medical Center
ANPA Alaska Nurse Practitioners Association
ANSC Alaska Native Science Commission
ANTHC Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
A/PIA Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Association
ASRC Arctic Slope Regional Corporation
ATAC Alaska Telehealth Advisory Council
BRIN Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network, NIH
CANHR Center for Alaska Native Health Research
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CHIC Circumpolar Health Information Center
CITF Circumpolar Infrastructure Task Force, Arctic Council
COBRE Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence
CRISP Computerized Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects
GCI Global Communications, Inc.
HSIS Health Sciences Information Service, Consortium Library, UAA
ICC Inuit Circumpolar Conference
ICHS Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies, UAA
IHS Indian Health Service (U.S.)
IPS Indigenous Peoples' Secretariat, Arctic Council
NARCH Native American Research Center for Health
NIEHS National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
NIH National Institutes of Health
NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NLM National Library of Medicine, NIH
NN/LM National Network of Libraries of Medicine, NLM
NSB North Slope Borough
NSF National Science Foundation
PI Principal Investigator
SCF Southcentral Foundation
SDWG Sustainable Development Working Group, Arctic Council
SIS Specialized Information Services, NLM
SLiCA Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic, Arctic Council
TTP Telemedicine Testbed Project
UAA University of Alaska Anchorage
URL Uniform Resource Locator
YKHC Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation


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