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Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
Cancer Education Videos

Experience stories of wellness; celebrate the gift of life through the beauty of Alaska Native people’s songs, dances, and culture shared in the following cancer education movies. 

To help prevent cancer, the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) received a five year grant from the National Cancer Institute (R 25 CA 96514) in 2001. The goals for this project were to develop and provide culturally respectful cancer education materials and learning opportunities for Community Health Aides and Community Health Practitioners, the primary providers of health care in rural Alaska, along with the people of their communities.

To learn more about ways to stay healthy and decrease your cancer risk watch the three 30-minute cancer education movies developed during this project.

  • The Story Basket: Weaving Breast Health into Our Lives
    Alaska Native women discuss the importance of breast health. We see a clinical breast exam, a self breast exam, and a mammogram – three important ways to find breast cancer early. Learn the vertical breast exam pattern.
  • Awakening Choices: Colon Health, Our Stories
    Alaska Native people talk about colorectal cancer and healthy lifestyle choices. The importance of early detection through colon/rectum screening is emphasized.
  • Staying Strong, Staying Healthy:  Alaska Native Men Speak Out About Cancer
    Hear the resilient stories of men whose lives have been affected by prostate, colorectal and testicular cancer. Men talk about their experiences: ways to prevent cancer, ways to decrease cancer risk, and ways to find and treat cancer early.  Part two of the movie shows a clinical testicular exam and a young man doing a self testicular exam.
  • Understanding: Stepping into the Light
    Cancer among Alaska Native peoples is often not talked about. The play enters the silence, making audible the experience of cancer. An all-Alaska Native cast explores many challenging and sensitive cancer-related themes, including emotions associated with a diagnosis, treatment, pain, and the end of life. Healthy lifestyle choices and recommended cancer screening exams are voiced.


Additional funding from: Alaska Native Medical Center Auxiliary, Association of Alaska Community Health Aide Program Directors, Avon Foundation, Native CIRCLE , State of Alaska Division of Public Health Section of Epidemiology Alaska Cancer Registry, and 5-Miler for Men’s Cancer Research, Anchorage, Alaska.

Movie copies available through Native CIRCLE

For additional information, contact Melany Cueva (907) 729-2427 mcueva@anmc.org

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