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U.S. National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health


Alaska Medical Library
Consortium Library
University of Alaska Anchorage


Last updated: April 17, 2009
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Non-Profit Organizations

  • Alaska Mental Health Related Organizations
    Created and maintained by Alaska Mental Health Consumer Web, an Alaska non-profit corporation.
  • Alaska Primary Care Association
    The Alaska Primary Care Association is a non-profit membership organization founded in 1995 to promote, expand, and optimize access to primary care in Alaska, particularly for the underserved.
  • Cultural Survival
    A non-government organization sponsoring basic research on indigenous peoples - who they are, where they are, what problems they face and what solutions have been developed for them.
  • Denali Commission
    The Denali Commission is an innovative federal-state partnership established by the U.S. Congress in 1998 to provide critical utilities, infrastructure, and economic support throughout Alaska.
  • Indigenous Peoples' Secretariat
    Located in Copenhagen, Denmark, the Indigenous Peoples' Secretariat (IPS) was established in 1994 to strengthen the involvement of the Arctic Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy.
  • American Indians and Alaska Native: Health Coverage and Access to Care
    A study of American Indians' and Alaska Natives' access to health care, conducted by researchers from the Urban Institue, University of Arizona and the Kaiser Family Foundation, identifies some of the health policy challenges this population faces.

Professional Associations / Organizations

  • Alaska State Hospital and Nursing Home Association
    The Alaska State Hospital and Nursing Home Association is a non-profit association of Alaska’s hospitals, nursing homes and other health care organizations provides legislative and regulatory advocacy at all levels of government; provides health information to members and the public; promotes opportunities for networking among our members.
  • Information Resources for, about, and by Alaskans
    This is SLED, the Statewide Library Electronic Doorway, and is a public service providing easy and equitable access to electronic information.
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