Related Resources |
Teaching With Documents at NARA's Digital Classroom
Copies of primary documents from the holdings of the National Archives of the United States and teaching activities correlated to the National History Standards and National Standards for Civics and Government.
National History Day
An exciting academic enrichment program that helps students learn about historical issues, ideas, people, and events.
Documents: 100 Milestone Documents from the National Archives” from Oxford
University Press
Oxford University Press has published a commemorative
book of the 100 milestone documents that have shaped our nation.
White House Historical Association
A charitable nonprofit institution whose purpose is to enhance the understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of the White House.
We the People from the National Endowment for the Humanities
An initiative to encourage the teaching, studying and understanding of American history and culture. Major components will include grants to support American History education, guest scholar lectures, and student essay contests.
Online educational resources from the Smithsonian Institution. The Smithsonian is committed to providing authoritative experiences that connect us to our history and our heritage as Americans.
American Memory at the Library of Congress
American Memory is a gateway to rich primary source materials relating to the history and culture of the United States. The site offers more than 7 million digital items from more than 100 historical collections.
Department of Education
History and social studies resources from the U.S. Department of Education.
National Council for Social Studies
NCSS engages and supports educators in strengthening and advocating social studies.
National Center for History Education
A non-profit corporation dedicated to promoting the importance of history in schools and in society. NCHE links history in the schools with many activities sponsored by state and local organizations.
EDSITEment from the National Endowment for the Humanities
Bring online educational resources from some of the world's great museums, libraries, cultural institutions, and universities directly to your classroom.
Center for Civic Education
Competitions promoting civic competence and responsibility among the nation's elementary and secondary students.
The Avalon Project at Yale Law School
The Avalon Project is dedicated to providing access via the World Wide Web to primary source materials in the fields of Law, History, Economics, Politics, Diplomacy and Government.
Organization of American Historians
Resources for history teachers. OAH promotes excellence in the
scholarship, practice, and teaching of American history.
Constitutional Rights
The Constitutional Rights Foundation seeks to instill in our nation's youth
a deeper understanding of citizenship, and educate them to become active and
responsible participants in our society. The CRF site includes valuable lesson
plans and other resources for teachers.
Landmark Supreme
Court Cases
Developed jointly by Street Law and the Supreme Court
Historical Society, this site provides teachers with a full range of resources
and activities to support the teaching of landmark Supreme Court cases.