National Institute for Literacy

Advancing Health Literacy: Meeting the Needs of Adult Learners
September 16, 2008

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(Approximate viewing time: 1.5 hours.)
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Advancing Health Literacy: Meeting the Needs of Adult Learners was the focus of the Institute’s webcast presented September 16, 2008. Ian Bennett, M.D., Ph.D. of the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Medicine and Graduate School of Education; Susan R. Levy, Ph.D. of the University of Illinois at Chicago; and Andrew Pleasant, Ph.D. of Rutgers University, and moderator Sandra L. Baxter, Ed.D. discussed new and emerging topics in health literacy.

Presenter Information:

Ian M. Bennett, M.D., Ph.D. of the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Medicine and Graduate School of Education

Ian Bennett is an Assistant Professor in the School of Medicine and Research Scientist in the Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Bennett, recognized as a "Health Disparities Scholar," by the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health, spends 85 percent of his time carrying out multi-disciplinary research in the area of social determination of disparities in maternal-child and reproductive health. He has been particularly interested in linking adult basic literacy education programs to health literacy interventions for adults with low literacy. In the 15 percent time devoted to clinical care he provides the full spectrum of family medicine including obstetric, pediatric, women's health, and general adult care.

Susan R. Levy, Ph.D. of the University of Illinois at Chicago

Susan R. Levy (Ph.D., FASHA) is Professor Emerita of Public Health, and Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), and currently a Fellow in the Institute for Health Research and Policy. An award-winning teacher, Levy began her career as a teacher of health education in New York City, and taught health education at the University of Washington before coming to Illinois. Dr. Levy was previously Director of the UIC Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research from 1992-2004, including the Centers for Disease Control-funded, Prevention Research Center. She developed and directed the health promotion track within the Department of Community Health Sciences. Her research and intervention work has focused on schools and risk reduction, HIV and substance use, community prevention of chronic and infectious diseases (most recently diabetes in Latinos).

Andrew Pleasant, Ph.D. of Rutgers University

Andrew Pleasant, Ph.D. is a co-author of "Advancing health Literacy: A Framework for Understanding and Action" along with Christina Zarcadoolas, Ph.D. and David Greer, M.D. Andrew has also published in several peer-reviewed journals on health literacy, science and environmental communication, and on evaluating the use of health research in society.

Sandra L. Baxter, Ed.D., Director of the National Institute for Literacy, moderated the webcast

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