National Institute for Literacy
At Risk Students, High Achieving Schools

Search the Online Library

The At Risk Students, High Achieving Schools Online Library consists of scientifically based research studies that identify effective classroom instruction or teaching strategies and practices. A systematic and comprehensive literature search of the research base on the academic achievement of K-3 at-risk students was conducted to identify and select relevant studies for inclusion in the library.

The search methodology focused on peer-reviewed professional journals, and searches of the PsycINFO and ERIC research databases and other appropriate professional, educational, or research websites were conducted. In addition, hand searches of recent journal articles not yet added to the electronic databases and other appropriate sources were performed as needed, including non-peer-reviewed publications issued by professional organizations, institutions or other educational groups; professional and research organization websites; and dissertation abstracts.

Sixty-five studies met the criteria for inclusion in the online library based on assessments of the study's relevance, outcome measures, and design quality. These selected studies provide sufficient and replicable information about classroom practices and school wide programs that characterize "At Risk Students, High Achieving Schools" as evidenced by gains in reading achievement and other academic achievement areas by K-3 at-risk students.

This reference library is a searchable database intended for use by policymakers at all levels, including state policymakers such as state boards of education, state superintendents, and state education staff, and district policymakers such as local school boards, superintendents, curriculum coordinators, or school principals. The database provides access to bibliographic study information about the characteristics and instructional practices of "At Risk Students, High Achieving Schools," such as the author, publication year, publication title, publisher source, ERIC or PsycINFO identification number, number of pages, and ERIC or PyscINFO availability of the full text version.

Policymakers often have limited time available to read research reports to inform decision-making that will support and promote scientifically based classroom instruction and educational practice. This online library is an accessible and user-friendly resource to help you access data by focusing your search on those article and study characteristics that are most important to you.

To find out more about the literature search, read the final report submitted by RMC Research Corporation: Final Report PDF format (227KB)

For a list of the references: Bibliography PDF format (108KB)

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Last updated: Friday, 03-Nov-2006 14:47:03 EST