Press Room


May 29, 2003

U.S. Treasury to Designate Al-Aqsa International Foundation As Financier of Terror
Charity Linked to Funding of the Hamas terrorist organization

This afternoon, the Treasury Department will announce the designation of the Al-Aqsa Foundation as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) entity under Executive Order 13224.  The designation by Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) requires that all assets of the Al-Aqsa Foundation be blocked and transactions with the organization prohibited.  More details to follow in a separate release.

Juan Zarate, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes and Director of Treasury’s Executive Office for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes and Richard Newcomb, Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) will provide a pen and pad briefing this afternoon at 2:00 PM.

WHAT: Briefing on the Designation of the Al-Aqsa Foundation
WHEN:  2:00 PM
WHERE:  Room 4312, Main Treasury Building
PARTICIPANTS: Juan Zarate, DAS Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes
  Richard Newcomb, Director of OFAC
COVERAGE: Pen and Pad Only

Media without Treasury or White House press credentials planning to attend should contact Frances Anderson at Treasury's Office of Public Affairs at (202) 622-2960 or e-mail  as soon as possible with the following information: name, social security number and date of birth. This information may also be faxed to (202) 622-1999.