Press Room


July 23, 2003

Bush Economic Team Announces Trip to Wisconsin, Minnesota
to Discuss the President's Efforts to Strengthen the Economy and Create Jobs

Treasury Secretary John Snow, Commerce Secretary Don Evans and Labor Secretary Elaine  L.  Chao will travel to Wisconsin  and Minnesota on Tuesday, July 29th  and Wednesday, July 30th to discuss the state of the economy and the recently enacted jobs and growth plan - as well as other efforts by President Bush to create jobs, strengthen the economic recovery and increase workers' standards of living.


During the “Jobs and Growth Tour” Secretaries Snow,  Evans and Chao will participate in town hall style meetings, roundtables, and tours in the two states, and will meet with families, workers, manufacturers, local business leaders, economic officials, small business owners, seniors and individual investors.


President Bush believes that everyone should have the opportunity to get a job who wants a job.  The most effective support we can provide for American workers is long-term economic growth.   That is why President Bush and his economic team worked hard with the Congress to enact the Jobs and Growth Act - the main elements of which are just beginning to take effect.  


More than 1.7 million taxpayers in Minnesota, and another 1.8 million taxpayers in Wisconsin, will have lower income tax bills in 2003 as a result of President Bush's Jobs and Growth Act.


A schedule of the tour will be released at a later time.





