Congressional Oversight Panel; Printed from


COP Report: Modernizing the American Financial Regulatory System

January 29, 2009

COP released its special report on regulatory reform today. The report discusses how regulation would have averted the crisis that we are in today, and how the implementation of smart regulation will help the United States can prevent another financial crisis and determine our economic success in the years to come.

Watch video of Chair Elizabeth Warren introducing this report below.

The report examines how deregulation of financial markets over the last twenty-five years have returned the boom-and-bust cycles that had plagued the United States’ economy until reforms of the Great Depression ushered in a half-century of financial stability. The report specifically points to three areas of regulation that could have prevented the current economic crisis, specifically basic consumer protection rules, supervision of credit rating agencies, and regulation of companies that are “too big to fail.”

Read the Report

Read summaries of reports examined by Panel members in preparing this report:


COP Daily News Roundup

January 28, 2009


COP Daily News Roundup

January 27, 2009


COP Daily News Roundup

January 26, 2009


COP Daily News Roundup

January 24, 2009


COP Daily News Roundup

January 23, 2009


COP Daily News Roundup

January 22, 2009


COP Daily News Roundup

January 21, 2009


COP Daily News Roundup

January 17, 2009


COP Daily News Roundup

January 16, 2009

COP Daily News Roundup for January 16, 2009


COP Daily News Roundup

January 15, 2009

AP - Obama awaits vote in Senate for $350B bailout

Bloomberg - Senate to Vote Tomorrow on Releasing TARP Funds

Reuters - Obama aides offer more assurances on bailout money

NYT - Obama Officials Ask Senate G.O.P. to Back Release of Bailout Money

Gallup - Americans Want Details Before Release of More TARP Funds: Both Democrats and Republicans favor blocking funds until there are more details

WSJ - Bank of America to Get Billions in U.S. Aid: Sides Finalizing Terms for Fresh Bailout Cash; Lender Told Treasury That Without Funds, It Couldn't Close Deal for Ailing Merrill

NYT - Buyers for a Citigroup Fire Sale Have Probably Been Singed, Too

WSJ - Goldman Finds a Way to Dole Out Cash

WSJ - Rates Fall, but Refinancings Are Limited

NYT - Swindlers Find Growing Market in Foreclosures

Boston Globe - Tidy up the bailout

Houston Chronical - Trust, but verify: Reagan wisdom applies in today���s turbulence

Miami Herald - Bailout needs better oversight: OUR OPINION: Tighter rules should govern spending designed to stop meltdown

COP Daily News Roundup

January 14, 2009

The COP had a hearing today on regulatory reform. You can read the testimony from this morning���s hearing HERE.


Watch COP Hearing: Modernizing America’s Financial Regulatory Structure

January 14, 2009

COP is holding a hearing this morning on regulatory reform and will be hearing from leading voices in this debate. Watch the hearing live below and read witness testimony here.

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COP Daily News Roundup

January 13, 2009

Starting today, the COP will add a new feature to its blog: a daily news round-up.  Each day we will post an assortment of news stories about the TARP, financial regulation and the economic crisis.

Check here daily for the latest news on the TARP and the future of financial regulation.


Welcome to the New COP Site

January 9, 2009

Today, COP launches its new website. 

We’ve designed the site to be easier to navigate and more appealing visually. 

The site will also regularly feature the stories and questions you send us.  We invite you to continue sending us your thoughts and questions, and feel free to comment on what you see as well.

Today is also the day that we are releasing our January Oversight Report.  Watch the video below of Chairperson Warren announcing the second report and talking about our new site:

Read the Report


An Introduction From Elizabeth Warren

December 10, 2008

This is the first report on the Treasury Department���s use of authority under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 that the Congressional Oversight Panel (COP) is required to release.

Future reports will be released every 30 days.

Read the Report