Press Room


October 8, 2004

Deputy Secretary Samuel Bodman
Treasury Department’s Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration Event
U.S. Department of the Treasury
October 8, 2004

Thank you, Rebecca [Contreras].  I want to thank our guest speaker, Leslie Sanchez, for being here . Thank you for joining us today to share your experiences and inspiring life story.

Let me add my welcome to all of you as we celebrate the culture, the spirit and the contributions of Hispanic Americans. The contributions of Hispanic Americans are indeed many and important – to our communities and schools, our businesses, and our government at all levels.  As the theme for this month says:  Hispanic Americans are truly making a difference across our nation.

It's always good to see representation at events like this from across the Department, and I know that some of you had a hand in organizing today's event.  Thank you for your hard work.

I've had the privilege to work with you for about eight months now.  And, as we gather in this beautiful and historic room, I hope you all share my feeling of tremendous pride in working for this esteemed Department.

I also hope that you know that each of you makes very real and important contributions to the economic health of this nation and the well being of our fellow citizens.

Since joining the Department in February, I have found here what I also found in my three years as Deputy at the Commerce Department – a cadre of dedicated, hard-working and talented employees creating results for the American people.

And that brings me to one of the reasons why I wanted to join you today. I believe that the strength and talent of the federal workforce derives from many sources: from your skill and knowledge, your strong sense of commitment to our fellow citizens and the good of our nation, and also from your diversity. 

The diversity of the federal workforce – and of the American people in general – has been, and will continue to be, a great advantage.  Our diversity – of race and religion, of background, of culture, and of ideas – makes us stronger. 

And it is not only our differences that push us forward as a nation, but our appreciation of those differences.  That is why it is particularly important that we make time for events like this one, to celebrate who we are as a country and where we are headed.    

And so, my message to you today is simple. As you go about your work today and everyday, please know this: YOU are this Department's most important assets. Not our buildings, or our equipment, or our technology , but all of you. 

I thank all of your for your service to this Department and this great – and diverse – nation.  I look forward to continuing to work with you and see the results of the positive changes that you bring about for our fellow citizens, our communities, and our world. 
