Press Room


July 12, 2004

Media Advisory: Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Education, Dan Iannicola, Jr. To Teach Middle-School Students Financial Literacy Lesson at a Summertime Camp in Stokes County, North Carolina

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Education, Dan Iannicola, Jr. will teach personal financial management skills to about 100 students at Camp Challenge in Stokes County, North Carolina.  Camp Challenge is a summertime camp open to boys and girls from low-income homes entering the sixth, seventh or eighth grades.  Participating students are chosen from each county's SOS (Save our Students) Program and Boys & Girls Clubs who have demonstrated academic achievement and advancement over the previous school year.  

Camp Challenge is sponsored by the North Carolina Bankers Association, North Carolina 4-H Youth Development and the Department of Juvenile Justice S.O.S. Program.  The camp activities focus on preparing participating students for careers through classes in areas such as entrepreneurship, citizenship responsibilities, conflict resolution, as well as business and banking.  Campers also participate in traditional camp activities such as horseback riding, swimming and hiking.

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Education Dan Iannicola, Jr.

Deputy Assistant Secretary Iannicola to teach personal financial management skills to about 100 middle-school students at Camp Challenge, a summertime camp focusing on financial literacy.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004
9 a.m. (EDT) Media Availability

Camp Challenge – North Carolina Bankers Association
Sertoma 4-H Center
Stokes County, North Carolina

**Media interested in covering this event should call Treasury's Office of Public Affairs at 202/622-2960
