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Airport Hazards Q & A

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Airport Runway Clear Zones

What is the accident potential zone?

It is the area at the end of a runway where accidents are most likely to occur.

Guidance is available in the linked fact sheet.

When must the environmental review evaluate airport hazards to HUD-assisted project proposed near an airport?

If the project is within 15 miles of a civil airport or military airfield, compliance is required with 24 CFR Part 51, Subpart D.

For properties located within 2,500 feet of a civil airport or 15,000 feet from the end of a runway at a military airfield, the environmental review must include a written finding made by the airport or airfield operator stating whether or not the property proposed for assistance is located within a runway CZ (civil airport) or CZ or APZ (military airfield) 24 CFR 50.4(k) and 24 CFR 58.5(i) and 58.6(d). See below for covered activities.

Covered Activities

What HUD-assisted activities are covered by the requirement for impact review of airport runway clear zones?

HUD policy described in 24 CFR Part 51, Subpart D applies to assisted properties located within Clear Zones (CZ) in the case of proposed new construction, major or substantial rehabilitation (as defined below) of an existing structure, and acquisition of undeveloped land. This HUD policy also applies to properties located within Accident Potential Zones (APZ). Assisted construction or major rehabilitation of any property located on a clear zone site is prohibited for a project to be frequently used or occupied by people. Clear Zones are also referred to as "Runway protection zones."

Rehabilitation (including conversion) is "major" or "substantial" when the estimated cost of the work is 75 percent or more of the total estimated cost of replacement after rehabilitation or, in the case of property in an APZ, when the work would change the use of the facility to a use that is not generally consistent with the recommendations of the Department of Defense's (DOD) "Land Use Compatibility Guidelines for Accident Potential Zones," or significantly increases the density or number of people at the site 24 CFR 51.302(b)(1) and (2).

The provision of HUD financial assistance in a CZ is allowed for properties proposed for acquisition or lease with or without minor rehabilitation or repair 24 CFR 51.302 (c). Upon approval for acquisition or lease of a property in a CZ, advance written notice must be given to the prospective property buyer or lessor in accordance with 24 CFR 51.303(a)(3) and a copy of the HUD notice signed by the prospective property buyer or lessor must be placed in the property file (for a sample notice, see below). The written notice informs the prospective buyer or lessor of the potential hazards from airplane accidents which studies have shown are more likely to occur within clear zones than in other areas around an airport/airfield and the potential by airport or airfield operators, who may wish to purchase the property at some point in the future as part of a clear zone acquisition program.

For properties located in an APZ, the environmental review must include a determination as to whether the use of the property is generally consistent with DOD guidelines.

Notice to Prospective Buyers of Properties Located in Runway Clear Zones

What does the notice look like?

See a sample copy of the notice. The original signed copy of the Notice to Prospective Buyers must be maintained as part of the project file on this action.

Content current as of April 4, 2008   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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