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Donald Lindberg announces…

I am very pleased to announce the appointment of Milton Corn, M.D.,
as NLM Deputy Director for Research and Education.

Prior to joining the NLM, Dr. Corn served with distinction in
numerous top leadership positions at Georgetown University including
Dean of the School of Medicine. Since 1990, as NLM Associate
Director for Extramural Programs, Dr. Corn has led the Library’s
Division of Extramural Programs in an exemplary manner, establishing
numerous collaborations with other agencies and organizations that
have expanded informatics research and training opportunities. Dr.
Corn creatively modified NLM’s Training Program in Biomedical
Informatics to keep pace with developments in biomedical computing.
At present the 18 NLM training grants (involving 27 academic medical
centers) offer tracks in clinical care informatics, bioinformatics,
public health and health services research informatics and the
informatics of clinical and translational research and supports over
250 pre- and post-doctoral trainees. As administrator of the largest
Federal programs for training in informatics and for a significant
share of the research grants available to informatics scientists, Dr.
Corn has become nationally and internationally known as an expert in
research directions in biomedical informatics.

As you know, Dr. Corn brings rich experience, leadership, and talent
- as well as a world class sense of humor - to the position of Deputy
Director for Research and Education, where he will serve as principal
medical advisor on research and development and medical education
priorities for the NLM. Dr. Corn will provide direction and advice
on the full range of NLM’s intramural and extramural research

Donald A.B. Lindberg, M.D.
National Library of Medicine

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