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SCR CONNECTions: NLM’s Consumer Health Databases

Do you know about *all* of the National Library of Medicine’s Consumer Health Resources?  In NN/LM SCR’s monthly webinar SCR CONNECTions, Karen Vargas will present an introduction to the many consumer health resources from the National Library of Medicine, including the lesser known gems such as the Dietary Supplements Labels Database and K-12 curriculum and resources in the Online Exhibitions.

When: April 15, 2009, 10:30 - 11:30 AM Central Time
What: Hey Look At Us Now! What’s New in NLM’s Consumer Health Resources

This webinar is being offered as part of the NN/LM SCR’s monthly series of web conferences, SCR CONNECTions.  The web conferences are conducted via the Adobe Connect web meeting system. You do not need to install any software to join the conference, simply click on the URL:  On the log in screen, choose “Enter as a Guest” and type in your name.  Once you enter the online meeting room, follow the instructions on the screen to have the system call you on your telephone.  For more information, go to

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