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Document Delivery Manual:

Maximum Charge

The National Library of Medicine has established a national maximum charge from Resource Libraries of $11.00 per ILL request. The National Network of Libraries of Medicine, South Central Region has established a maximum charge from Resource Libraries of $9.00 per ILL request sent by regional libraries. While Primary Access Libraries are not restricted to these fees, they are encouraged to not charge more than them whenever possible. The fees do not include any surcharges for color, special delivery service, or Loansome Doc service.


Every DOCLINE request has a MAXCOST field; this field should be accurately completed each time a request is made. Items rejected for COST are automatically retired.

Invoicing and Electronic Fund Transfer System (EFTS)

All library invoicing should be done as quickly as possible. Invoices should include enough information so that the payee can identify the requests being paid. EFTS eliminates the need for paper bills. For more information, contact EFTS at

Double Fills

Double Fills occur when a lending library does not update in a timely fashion, and two billing libraries may fill the same request. If this occurs, the first lending library waives the ILL fee, and only the second library will be paid.

Source/Additional Information


Electronic Funds Transfer System (EFTS)

FAQ: DOCLINE - Actions and Reasons Messages

FAQ: DOCLINE - Finding ILL Charge Information for a Library