
Baltimore - Chesapeake Chapter

Autism Society of America

We are a volunteer organization founded in 1976 to serve families of children and adults with autism spectrum disorders in Baltimore County, Maryland, Baltimore City, and the State of Maryland by providing information, advocacy, and support for families and individuals with autism.

Learn more about autism; read our Autism Fact Sheet

Learn the early signs of Autism

Take a look at the Autism Speaks "First 100 Days Kit."

Startling Statistics:

Read the current CDC autism prevalence data (1 in 150 children) in the Autism Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network report.

Data from the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) indicate that the number of children with autism in Maryland is currently increasing by 10 % per year. The most recent MSDE Census report of school aged children (3-21 yrs) indicates that as of October 2007, there were 845,700 students in Maryland schools; 6341 students with autism (1 in 133). In Baltimore County 1 in 108 students has autism. In Baltimore City 1 in 159 students has autism.

Maryland Autism Data

For previous years' data click here.


Autism Speaks new online School Community Tool Kit designed to help school administrators talk with their staff about how students with autism can best be supported and included in the school community.

The Early Childhood Gateway by MSDE - A Maryland resource for providers and families with young children with disabilities, birth through five

BCC-ASA Adult Autism Resource Group Letter to Parents and Survey for Parents of Adults with Autism.

Volunteer today - Use this Baltimore Chesapeake Chapter-Autism Society of America Volunteer Sign up Sheet

Learn about The Partnership Project of Baltimore County Public Schools and Baltimore Chesapeake Chapter of Autism Society of America (BCC/ASA)

Take a look at the new Educator's Guide to Asperger's Syndrome.

Take a look at 10 Tips: How to Use IDEA 2004 To Improve Education for Children with Disabilities by Wayne Steedman, Esq.

Purchase books, videos, etc. through our website links on the Library page, and the booksellers will make a donation to the BCC-ASA.

A summary of the Autism Listening Sessions conducted by the CDC. This summary reflects the comments and suggestions made by individuals who attended the Autism Listening Sessions in four regions of the US (August - November 2004) and from individuals who submitted comments through the CDC website.

Take a look at the new Autism Task Force Report: Service Delivery Recommendations for Young Children with Autism from the Maryland State Department of Education.

Lapel Pins, Car Magnets, and Wristbands are now available from the BCC-ASA. Click here for more information.

The Parents Place of Maryland will be conducting a Parent Advocate Training Program. It is free of charge for participants. It is designed for parents of children with disabilities who are interested in developing their knowledge and experience so that they will be better able to help other parents of children with disabilities who are living in their community. The desired goal is that participants will be better able to (1) offer information about parents rights under special education laws, (2) provide support to parents as they seek to obtain services for their children and (3) attend IEP and other meetings with parents.

Childnett.tv is a first-of-it's-kind web TV channel dedicated to autism and other neuro-developmental disorders. And it's FREE from the Dan Marino Foundation. Log onto www.childnett.tv now and see what everyone is talking about.

No Child Left Behind and Students who Struggle with Learning: A text summary of an online chat with Candace Cortiella.

Support Group Meetings

The support group meets on the first Thursday of every month
at 7:00 p.m. at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital. Everyone is welcome.

Please note: BCC-ASA chapter events will follow Baltimore County snow policy. If schools are closed for inclement weather, our meeting will not be held that night.

For meeting dates and other events, check the BCC-ASA Calendar of Events.

Questions? Contact us at questions@bcc-asa.org or through our chapter phone line at 410-655-7933


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