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FutureGen Project Final Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0394)

Links presented below access the individual chapters and/or full volumes of the Final FutureGen Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0394) and related documentation.  If you would like to request a hardcopy of the stand-alone summary or the entire EIS, or a CD version, please send your name and mailing address to  Due to the high cost of shipping the four-volume EIS (approximately 2,500 pages) and possible duties or tariffs for copies sent to locations outside the U.S., DOE encourages requestors to download the document using the links below or to request only a CD.  However, if requestors are willing and able to pay the applicable duties or tariffs, DOE will send hardcopies to locations outside the U.S.  Please be aware that long delays may be possible and duties or tariffs may cost $100 (USD) or more.

Individual Chapters/Appendices

Entire Volumes

Final EIS Summary [PDF-2.3MB]
Stand-alone summary of entire final EIS (152 Pages)

Cover Sheet [PDF-35KB]
Table of Contents [PDF-201KB]
List of Acronyms [PDF-46KB]
Chapter 1 – Purpose and Need for Agency Action [PDF-216KB]
Chapter 2 – Proposed Action and Alternative [PDF-2MB]
Chapter 3 – Summary of Environmental Consequences [PDF-1.8MB]

Volume I

Chapter 4 – Mattoon Site [PDF-6.7MB]
Chapter 5 – Tuscola Site [PDF-7.1MB]
Chapter 6 – Jewett Site [PDF-6.4MB]
Chapter 7 – Odessa Site [PDF-5.7MB]

Volume II

Chapter 8 – Volume I References [PDF-93KB]
Chapter 9 – Index [PDF-87KB]
Chapter 10 – Glossary [PDF-73KB]
Chapter 11 – Distribution List [PDF-51KB]
Chapter 12 – List of Preparers [PDF-607KB]

These are included in
Volume I

Chapter 13 – Comments and Responses on the Draft EIS

Volume III

These are included in
Volume I

Risk Assessment Report [PDF-8.6MB]
This document reports the results of a human health and environmental risk assessment conducted to support preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the FutureGen Project. This risk assessment addresses the potential releases of captured gases during pipeline transport to the geologic storage site, subsurface injection, and subsurface storage.