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FLC Awards Archive — 1992
Awards for Excellence in Technology Transfer

Department of Energy

Argonne National Laboratory

Richard Hitterman, David Kupperman, Saurin Majumdar, Jim Richardson, Jitendra P. Singh
Transferred neutron diffraction techniques that have been developed to determine strains and stresses in engineering composites for validation of analytical models and optimization of fabrication procedures.

Idaho National Engineering Laboratory

John E. Flinn
For outstanding achievement in the development and successful implementation of cooperative research and development agreements (CRADAS) for transfer of rapid solidification technology.

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

John Clarke
Developed and transferred a highly sensitive device, the SQUID magnetometer, using the new high temperature super-conducting materials for medical and geophysical applications.

Wayne R. McKinney
Synchrotron-radiation research depends upon optics formed into complicated shapes with unprecedented precision. McKinney and industry collaborators made several breakthroughs in manufacturing and characterizing these devices.

Shih-Ger Chang
Transferred the LBL Phosnox process for combined removal of SO² and NOX from flue gas.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Anthony F. Bernhardt, Robert J. Contolini, Steven T. Mayer
For the transfer of electrochemical planerization and electro-polishing technology to a computer manufacturer.
Lloyd A. Hackel
For outstanding development and transfer of state-of-the-art solid state laser technology to Hampshire Instruments for use in the Hi model 3500 x-ray system.

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Betty Jorgensen, Howard Nekimken
For transferring the technology of their optical high-acidity sensor to industry which may result in the transfer being completed in one year's time.

George I. Bell, James H. Jett, Richard A. Keller, Babetta L. Marrone, John C. Martin, Brooks E. Shera
For transferring the rapid DNA sequencing technology to industry, resulting in a patent issued, a patent applied for, and a CRADA with Life Technologies, Inc.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
A.L. Compere, J.M. Googin, W.L.Griffith, W.P. Huxtable
For significant contributions to the invention, development, licensing, and commercialization of the CL2EAN OUT process for dechlorination of waste streams.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

L. Roy Bunnell, Frank P. Hungate, William F. Riemath
For determination in transferring the portable blood irradiator technology to an international center for treatment of leukemia and blood diseases, where it can help save lives.

L. Loren Eyler, Donald S. Trent
For dedicated and innovative technology transfer of the TEMPEST software for three-dimensional transient hydrothermal analysis.

John W. Cary, Glendon W. Gee, Randy R. Kirkham, John F. McVride, Carver S. Simmons
For their vision and persistence in transferring the electro-optic liquid soil sensor, a simple inexpensive device with environmental and agricultural applications.

Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center

Mahendra P. Mathur, Franklin D. Shaffer
For their outstanding efforts in transferring an advanced flow diagnostic technique developed for fossil fuels to assist the medical community in improving artificial heart pumps.

Sandia National Laboratories (NM)

Theodore A. Dellin
For combining the vision, industry needs, and laboratory resources into a microelectronics quality/reliability center to transfer quality technologies to the IC industry.



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