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Great Lakes Water Life Photo Gallery
Blue-green Algae
Anacystis sp.


Anacystis spp.

Anacystis sp.

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Anacystis montana, A. montana f. minor, A. thermalis (aka Aphanothece thermalis)

Taxonomy: Globe icon indicates a link to a non-NOAA site ITIS

Revised Taxonomy: Globe icon indicates a link to a non-NOAA site Cyanodb - This former genus has been eliminated and species renamed (split) to the following taxa: Aphanothece, Chroococcidiopsis, Cyanosarcina, Asterocapsa, Synechococcus

Profile: Many-celled aggregates crowded in a globular mucilage. Sheath with layers.

Like nearly all blue-green algae, this genus may produce lipopolysaccharidescapable of causing skin irritation and gastrointestinal distress.

D - A. montana f. minor is a dominant member of the spring phytoplankton assemblage of Lakes Superior and Erie.

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Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab, Sea Grant Lakes Network
2205 Commonwealth Blvd
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2945
Phone: 734-741-2287
Fax: 734-741-2055