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Great Lakes Water Life Photo Gallery
Division Chlorophyta
Stigeoclonium spp.


Profiles: branched filaments arising from an attached thallus. Diameter of main axis 4-21um,

Littoral plankton (become free-floating as they mature) - S. stagnatile (swamps and lakes), S. subsecundum (quiet waters protected from waves)

Epiphytic - S. attenuatum (bog), S. flagelliferum (attached to wood in flowing water or in bogs), S. nanum (wood in flowing water, submersed stems), S. pachydermum (shallow water of High Lake, WI), S. polymorphum, S. tenue

S. lubricum (aka S. libricum) - Most common Stigeoclonium species. Found on submerged wood in flowing water.

Endophytic - S. polymorphum

Stigeoclonium sp.

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Stigeoclonium spp.

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Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab, Sea Grant Lakes Network
2205 Commonwealth Blvd
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2945
Phone: 734-741-2287
Fax: 734-741-2055