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Why Register on

Registering with gives you access to the market research and trade leads provided on the site. You must be a U.S. company in order to access this information.

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What Happens When I Register?

In addition to accessing market research and trade leads, you will enable’s Partner Agencies to contact you with targeted information on potential trade opportunities, trade events, and other export-related government services.

What If I Don't Want to Be Contacted, But Want Access to Market Research and Trade Leads?

You may choose not to be contacted by’s Partner Agencies by not checking the "I would like to be contacted with more information" box in the registration form.

Privacy of Information Submitted

Your information is accessible only to the federal agencies of for the purposes of providing targeted export assistance and will not be shared with any other government or non-government entities unless legally obligated to do so. For more information on how your registration information is shared and used, please consult's privacy policy.

Additional questions on the community should be directed to the webmaster.

Thank you for registering!