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MAR Announces MicroAward & Exhibit Award Recipients

The National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM), Middle Atlantic Region (MAR), is pleased to announce the following award winners for the MicroAward and Exhibit Awards.

MicroAward winners will promote NN/LM and library services through their awards. Award receipients will highlight Loansome Doc, promote awareness of a consumer health information service and showcase new materials in hippotherapy.

Exhibit Awards recipients are representing NN/LM and library services at exhibits for crime victims, rural health practitioners and nurse executives.

Congratulations all!

MicroAward Recipients

Family Medicine Update 2007

  • SUNY Stony Brook, Colleen Kenefick

Horse Therapy Awareness

  • Veteran’s Administration, Northport (NY), Mary Lou Glazer

Community Health fairs

  • Booker Health Sciences Library (NJ), Catherine Boss

Exhibit Award Recipients
KeywordsCelebs NewsWhite SEOSEO Forum

22nd Annual Crime Victims’ Candlelight Vigil

  • Bellevue Hospital Center (NY), Tania Bardyn

Rural Health Conference, Roots of Change

  • Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Valerie Gross

Organization of Nurse Executives of New Jersey (ONE/NJ) Research Day

  • Health Sciences Library Association of New Jersey, Robin Siegel

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