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Evaluation Tools and Resources

Resources for Evaluation

Logic Models

  • Define How a Program Will Work – The Logic Model
    Part of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine’s guide for developing a community-based health information program. This succinct web page defines a logic model and provides a basic logic model template.

  • Booklet #2-Including Evaluation in Outreach Project Planning
    This booklet from the Outreach Evaluation Resource Center provides a sample logic model for an outreach project, a logic model template, and suggestions for using logic models at different stages in an outreach project.

  • The Community Tool Box
    Developing a Logic Model or Theory of Change from the University of Kansas, Work Group for Community Health and Development provides a substantial introduction on using logic models.

  • Evaluation Logic Model
    University of Wisconsin-Extension, Program Development and Evaluation. This site provides modules on teaching and training in logic models. A variety of sample logic models are listed on the front page along with logic model templates.

  • W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide
    available online for free.

  • CDC Evaluation Working Group
    Has compiled a list of resources specific to logic models including theory, articles, and logic model samples.

Tools for Conducting a Needs Assessment

  • MAR has created state profiles which include resources containing statistical data and community health information; both types of resources are useful in gathering information for a local needs assessment.
  • Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce (PHPartners)  
    Aa gateway to health resources selected by a collaborative group from U.S. government agencies, public health organizations, and health sciences libraries. The Health Data Tools and Statistics section provides links to resources for data collection.

Please contact Sue Hunter, Planning and Evaluation Coordinator, NN/LM MAR,, or 1-800-338-7657.