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MAR Announces Summer Online Classes

Join MAR staff and network members for online classes in June, July, and August. You can participate in a class from the comfort of your own (hopefully) air-conditioned office—all you need is an Internet-connected computer and a telephone. Classes are FREE for NN/LM members. To join or renew your free membership, visit our web site:

To sign up for a class, e-mail us at

Six classes will be offered—and three are new!

1. NN/LM Funding Opportunities: An Overview

The hour-long webinar will provide an overview of both National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) and National Library of Medicine grants, and a brief discussion of other funding opportunities. The class will review needs assessments, goals and objectives, methodology, creating a budget and evaluation. At the end of the class, participants will be able to identify three methods of conducting a needs assessment, clearly state program goals and objectives and list program evaluations.

Thursday, June 28, 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Tuesday, July 24, 9:30am - 11:00am

2. What’s New in PubMed

This hour-long class will review new and noteworthy features in PubMed that are of interest to current PubMed users. This class is offered as an update and is not an introduction to PubMed.

Monday, July 16, 11:00am – 12:00pm

3. NEW! PubMed MyNCBI

This class is presented in two parts. You may attend either session or both.

Part I. Learn how to customize your PubMed experience using MyNCBI (formerly Cubby). Save your favorite citations, and keep current with automatic searches—the results will come straight to your inbox. Change the look of PubMed with custom tabs and highlighted search terms.

Part II. Create shared filters for your library users’ using MYNCBI. Shared filters allow you to activate LinkOut icons, specify display formats, and limit search results. Shared Filters are an important feature for any library that participates in NCBI’s LinkOut program.

Part I: Tuesday, July 17, 11:00am – 12:00pm
Part II: Tuesday, July 24, 11:00am - 12:00pm

4. LinkOut

This hands-on class is designed to provide step-by-step direction on how to activate LinkOut for a library’s print and electronic journal collections, so that users are able to view holdings and access full-text through the PubMed interface. Topics covered are registration for LinkOut, entering holdings, displaying a library’s icon for branding purposes, and access to free full-text through LinkOut. MLA CE credits available.

Three hours, divided into two sessions. *Attendance at both sessions is mandatory to receive CE credit*
Tuesday, July 31 2:00 - 3:30pm
Tuesday, August 7 2:00 - 3:30pm

5. NEW! DOCLINE: Reports, Routing Tables and More

This one hour class will cover some of the more specialized topics in Docline, including the reporting features and routing tables. Registrants are welcome to submit their “problem questions” to be answered during the course.

Tuesday, August 14, 3:00 - 4:00pm

6. NEW! Creative Commons: What Is It?
The digital age has caused a plethora of problems concerning copyright. Along comes the concept of Creative Commons to help define the rights of creators, users, and consumers. What is it and how is it used? Take this one hour online class and learn more!

Monday, June 25, 2:00 - 3:00pm
Monday, July 23, 2:00 - 3:00pm

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