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In the Region: Bellevue Hospital Library Participates in Crime Victims’ Candlelight Vigil

(Left to right: C.Ferber, Library Assistant; T.Bardyn, Librarian; C.Janick, Social Worker; and D.Elleman, Social Worker, promoting the Winter 2007 issue of NIH MedlinePlus at Bellevue Hospital Center on April 26, 2007 in the Bellevue Hospital Center Atrium in New York City)

On April 22, 2007, in observance of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week and Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the staff of the Bellevue Medical Library joined the New York State Attorney General and the Downstate Coalition for Crime Victims for the 22nd Annual Crime Victims’ Candlelight Vigil. For over twenty years, this event has brought together hundreds of survivors, service providers, law enforcement practitioners, first responders and families of survivors.The Vigil pays tribute to all victims of homicide, assault, abuse, stalking, rape, trafficking, torture, DWI and the World Trade Center attacks.

Bellevue Library’s exhibit, STIR—Survivors of Trauma Information and Resources, presents an information empowerment experience to survivors and their families and connects them to support services available through the local, regional, and federal healthcare system.

Bellevue Library works closely with the Crime Victims Program at Bellevue Hospital Center to provide coordinated and comprehensive medical and supportive social services in New York City. Together, social workers and librarians provided demonstrations of appropriate, Internet-based information resources, including MedlinePlus, National Women’s Health Information Center and NOAH.

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