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November 20, 1998

John McNamee
Mars Surveyor 98 Project Manager

Mars Climate Orbiter: Orbiter launch processing activities are proceeding on schedule in the Spacecraft Assembly and Encapsulation Facility (SAEF-2) facility at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) with launch vehicle 3rd stage mate 4 days away and launch 20 days away. Final blanket installation and other vehicle closeout activities were accomplished. Final weight and spin balance was completed. The orbiter final weight is 1394.67 lbs. Rework of the flight Pyro Initiation Unit (PIU) to eliminate the potential for latchup was completed successfully and the PIU is scheduled for reinstallation on the orbiter on November 21. Final cleaning of the Mars Color Imager (MARCI) and Pressure Modulator InfraRed Radiometer (PMIRR) optics was accomplished. Final vehicle cleaning and final vehicle walkdown by all cognizant engineers and independent mechanical experts was completed in preparation for 3rd stage mate.

Mars Polar Lander:

Lander launch processing activities are proceeding on schedule in the SAEF-2 facility at KSC with launch vehicle 3rd stage mate 25 days away and launch 44 days away. Rework of the flight Pyro Initiation Unit (PIU) to eliminate the potential for latchup was completed successfully and the PIU was reinstalled on the lander on November 19. Flight software build 8.1 (the final planned software build) was loaded on the lander. Mission system testing of the cruise/trajectory correction maneuver and entry, descent, and landing (scripted attitude) phases was completed successfully. A full up launch rehearsal was conducted successfully on November 17 with the vehicle powered and exercised in a flight like manner.

Time Lapse Movie

Mars Surveyor 98 Spacecraft At Kennedy Space Center
November 20, 1998

Mars Climate Orbiter
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Mars Polar Lander
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