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Safety Program

Effectiveness of the Office of Science Safety Program:

The Office of Science laboratories made substantial progress from FY 2002 to FY 2008. The Total Recordable Case (TRC) and the Days Away, Restricted or Transferred (DART) rates dropped 61 percent and 68 percent, respectively. Through FY 2008, the Office of Science laboratories’ rates continue to drop. Overall there is an ongoing trend that work continues to be performed safely.

The Office of Science has found that while the accident and injury rate has been reduced, it has not been eliminated. When accidents occur, an investigation follows. The intent is to determine what happened, understand its root cause, and then take corrective actions to ensure that it does not happen again. The more severe the accident is, the more formal the investigation.

Chances for repeat occurrences are reduced through corrective actions that focus on hazard controls, procedures that mitigate potential unsafe acts and conditions, constant vigilance by management and continuing feedback of lessons learned. In addition, accountability is determined and measures are taken, as warranted.

Safety Program


Safety Challenge



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Injury/Illness Rates


Radiation Protection