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Canada, Mexico and the United States cooperating to protect North America's shared environment.

A Guide to Articles 14 and 15 of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation

Bringing the Facts to Light
A Guide to Articles 14 and 15 of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation

The North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (“NAAEC”) Articles 14 and 15 (known as the “Citizen Submissions on Enforcement Matters”, or “SEM” process) include procedures allowing any “non-governmental organization or person […] residing or established in the territory of a Party” to make submissions to the CEC Secretariat asserting “that a Party [to the NAAEC] is failing to effectively enforce its environmental law.” The CEC has published “Guidelines for Submissions on Enforcement Matters” (the “Guidelines”) explaining these procedures.

The SEM process is neither adversarial, nor is the CEC Secretariat a court. The CEC Secretariat cannot make determinations or “rulings” on the merits or demerits of assertions raised in a Submission, including whether a Party may be failing to effectively enforce its environmental law. Rather, the CEC Secretariat is an independent and neutral body tasked with efficiently administering the process set out in NAAEC Articles 14 and 15. When the Council approves a Secretariat recommendation that a Factual Record be produced, NAAEC Article 15(4) and the Guidelines (paragraph 12) set out what types of information are to be included.


Latest updates

Latest news

Drilling Waste in Cunduacán
The Secretariat determined to proceed no further because the matter is the subject of a pending judicial or administrative proceeding. [More information >>]

Wetlands in Manzanillo
The Secretariat began reviewing the submission under Article 14(1). [More information >>]

Wetlands in Manzanillo
The Submitters corrected the minor errors of form. [More information >>]

Wetlands in Manzanillo
Under guideline 3.10, the Secretariat requested the submitter(s) to correct minor errors of form. [More information >>]

Wetlands in Manzanillo
The Secretariat acknowledged receipt of a submission and began a preliminary analysis of it under the guidelines. [More information >>]

Status page >>

CEC issues determination in the Drilling waste in Cunduacan submission

CEC receives submission on transgenic maize in Chihuahua, Mexico

CEC Secretariat calls for a fact-gathering meeting for submission Lake Chapala II

CEC receives submission on atmospheric pollution in suburban Montreal

CEC Secretariat releases workplan for factual record on Coal-fired Power Plants submission

More news >>


Active files

Coal-fired Power Plants (SEM-04-005)
Date filed: 20/09/2004
Party concerned: United States

Environmental Pollution in Hermosillo II (SEM-05-003)
Date filed: 30/08/2005
Party concerned: Mexico

Ex Hacienda El Hospital II (SEM-06-003)
Date filed: 17/07/2006
Party concerned: Mexico

Ex Hacienda El Hospital III (SEM-06-004)
Date filed: 22/09/2006
Party concerned: Mexico

La Ciudadela Project (SEM-08-001)
Date filed: 22/02/2008
Party concerned: Mexico

Lake Chapala II (SEM-03-003)
Date filed: 23/05/2003
Party concerned: Mexico

Minera San Xavier (SEM-07-001)
Date filed: 5/02/2007
Party concerned: Mexico

Quebec Automobiles (SEM-04-007)
Date filed: 3/11/2004
Party concerned: Canada

Species at Risk (SEM-06-005)
Date filed: 10/10/2006
Party concerned: Canada

Transgenic Maize in Chihuahua (SEM-09-001)
Date filed: 28/01/2009
Party concerned: Mexico

Wetlands in Manzanillo (SEM-09-002)
Date filed: 4/02/2009
Party concerned: Mexico


Factual records

ALCA-Iztapalapa II (SEM-03-004)
Date filed: 17/06/2003
Party concerned: Mexico
Latest update: The final factual record was publicly released. (2/06/2008)

Aquanova (SEM-98-006)
Date filed: 20/10/1998
Party concerned: Mexico
Latest update: The final factual record was publicly released. (23/06/2003)

BC Hydro (SEM-97-001)
Date filed: 2/04/1997
Party concerned: Canada
Latest update: The final factual record was publicly released. (11/06/2000)

BC Logging (SEM-00-004)
Date filed: 15/03/2000
Party concerned: Canada
Latest update: The final factual record was publicly released. (11/08/2003)

BC Mining (SEM-98-004)
Date filed: 29/06/1998
Party concerned: Canada
Latest update: The final factual record was publicly released. (12/08/2003)

Cozumel (SEM-96-001)
Date filed: 17/01/1996
Party concerned: Mexico
Latest update: The final factual record was publicly released. (24/10/1997)

Metales y Derivados (SEM-98-007)
Date filed: 23/10/1998
Party concerned: Mexico
Latest update: The final factual record was publicly released. (11/02/2002)

Migratory Birds (SEM-99-002)
Date filed: 19/11/1999
Party concerned: United States
Latest update: The final factual record was publicly released. (24/04/2003)

Molymex II (SEM-00-005)
Date filed: 6/04/2000
Party concerned: Mexico
Latest update: The final factual record was publicly released. (8/10/2004)

Montreal Technoparc (SEM-03-005)
Date filed: 14/08/2003
Party concerned: Canada
Latest update: The final factual record was publicly released. (23/06/2008)

Oldman River II (SEM-97-006)
Date filed: 4/10/1997
Party concerned: Canada
Latest update: The final factual record was publicly released. (11/08/2003)

Ontario Logging (SEM-02-001)
Date filed: 6/02/2002
Party concerned: Canada
Latest update: The final factual record was publicly released. (5/02/2007)

Pulp and Paper (SEM-02-003)
Date filed: 8/05/2002
Party concerned: Canada
Latest update: The final factual record was publicly released. (5/02/2007)

Río Magdalena (SEM-97-002)
Date filed: 15/03/1997
Party concerned: Mexico
Latest update: The final factual record was publicly released. (11/12/2003)

Tarahumara (SEM-00-006)
Date filed: 9/06/2000
Party concerned: Mexico
Latest update: The final factual record was publicly released. (9/01/2006)

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