Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility (ACRF)
The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility (ACRF) is a multi-platform national scientific user facility, with instruments at fixed and varying locations around the globe for obtaining continuous field measurements of climate data. The ACRF promotes the advancement of atmospheric process understanding and climate models through precise observations of atmospheric phenomena. The ACRF was the first climate change field research facility to operate cutting-edge instrumentation on a long-term continuous basis. With fixed research sites in three diverse climate regimes representing mid-latitude, polar, and tropical environs (i.e., the southern Great Plains of the United States, the North Slope of Alaska, and the Tropical Western Pacific). Additionally,with an aerial vehicles program (AVP), and two mobile ground facilities, the ACRF provides the world’s most comprehensive 24/7 observational capabilities for obtaining atmospheric data specifically for climate change research.
Each ACRF site uses a leading edge array of cloud- and aerosol-observing instruments to record long-term continuous atmospheric and surface properties that affect cloud formation and radiation transport through the atmosphere. The ARCF also provides shorter-term (months rather than years) measurements with its two mobile facilities (AMFs) and its AVP. This approach of combining long-term fixed-site measurements with short-term mobile measurements allows unique examination of the behavior of fundamental atmospheric processes, and the evaluation of climate model performance with respect to those processes, over a wide range of climatic and meteorological conditions. Data from the sites are available through the data archive established at ORNL. ACRF provides significant research capability for the global scientific community. Proposed projects at the ACRF are reviewed by the ACRF Science Board, a highly respected group of scientists who assist with reviewing proposals for use of the facility.
Additional programmatic information is available via the ACRF homepage.

Program Managers

Dr. Wanda R. Ferrell
ARM Climate Research Facility Program Director
Climate and Environmental Sciences Division, SC-23.1
Department of Energy GTN Bldg
1000 Independence Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20585-1290
(301) 903-0043
Fax: (301) 903-8519

Mr. Rick Petty
Program Manager
ARM Aerial Vehicles
Climate and Environmental Sciences Division, SC-23.1
Department of Energy GTN Bldg
1000 Independence Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20585-1290
(301) 903-5548
Fax: (301) 903-8519