Office of Extramural Research, National Institutes of Health Extramural Nexus
  October 2008
Director's Column
Image of Norka Ruiz Bravo

As some of you may already know, in November, I will transition as Director of the Office of Extramural Research (OER) and NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research (DDER) to the role of Special Advisor to the NIH Director. Much remains to be done, and we have a number of challenges ahead, but I am very proud of all that we have been able to accomplish in our five years together.  (more...)

Top Stories
Dr. Norka Ruiz Bravo to transition to a new role as Special Advisor to the Director, NIH

After her tenure as NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research, Dr. Norka Ruiz Bravo has announced that she will step down as NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research and Director, Office of Extramural Research (OER) in November.  (more...)

New NIH Policy to Fund Meritorious Science Earlier

The NIH is decreasing the number of amended grant application resubmissions from two to one in an effort to fund meritorious science earlier.  (more...)

NIH Encourages Use of New Electronic Process for Reporting Financial Conflicts of Interest
metallic people in a group typing on laptops

Pilot program enables enhanced management of FCOI reports via the eRA Commons.  (more...)

Preparing for Changes in Peer Review

While many details continue to be worked through, the first set of changes to the Peer Review process are already underway.  (more...)

NIH Increases Public Access Policy Compliance Efforts

This month NIH will be intensifying its efforts to ensure compliance with the Public Access Policy.  (more...)

FY 2009 Continuing Resolution to Provide Continuing Budget Authority for Federal Agencies and Programs Through March 6

NIH is currently operating under a continuing resolution (CR), effective through March 6, 2009. A CR is legislation enacted by Congress when the new fiscal year is about to begin (or has begun) to provide budget authority for federal agencies and programs to continue operating until regular appropriations acts are ratified.


NIH Seeks Proposals for 2009 Director's Pioneer and New Innovator Awards
researcher with test tubes

NIH welcomes proposals for 2009 NIH Director's Pioneer Awards and New Innovator Awards. Both programs are part of the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research and support exceptionally creative scientists who take highly innovative, potentially high-impact approaches to major challenges in biomedical or behavioral research.  (more...)

Changes Coming to the NIH Registration Process for Peer Reviewers

A new, electronic system has been developed to facilitate electronic disbursement of reviewers’ honoraria and reimbursements for expenses incurred during their participation in NIH peer review meetings.  (more...)

Researchers Identify Novel Type of Antibody that Potently Inhibits HIV Infection
Prolonging the Withdrawal of Life Support in the ICU Affects Family Satisfaction with Care
Scientists Restore Movement to Paralyzed Limbs through Artificial Brain-Muscle Connections
NIH Scientists Discover Crucial Control in Long-Lasting Immunity
OER Nexus Archives
New Resources
Join the Enhancing Peer Review Listserv

HHS Office of Human Research Protections Finalizes Documentation on Engagement of Human Subjects in Research

NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research Announces New Director, Office of Extramural Programs

Jerry A. Menikoff, M.D., J.D, appointed as the director of the Office for Human Research Protections

A New Gateway to Protein Structures

eRA News
Reviewers Soon to Have Easier Accessibility to Encrypted CDs

11/1/2008 - 3/1/2008: Research, Condition, and Disease Categorization (RCDC) Open House Meetings

NOT-OD-09-010: Updates and Reminders on NIH Policy Pertaining to Grants to Foreign Institutions, International Organizations and Domestic Grants with Foreign Components
NOT-OD-09-009: Extension of Interim NIH Reimbursement Process for New Peer Reviewers and Peer Reviewers Up for CCR Renewal
NOT-OD-09-008: SCAW Winter Conference on December 8-9, 2008 in San Antonio, Texas
NOT-OD-09-007: NIH Announces Changes in Business Process on PHS 416-1 Grant Applications, PHS 416-9 Progress Reports and Prior Approval Requests for Individual Fellowships
NOT-OD-09-006: Revised PHS 416-5, PHS 416-7, PHS 6031 AND PHS 6031-1 Forms for the Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Now Available
NOT-OD-09-005: Revised PHS 416-9 Progress Report for Continuation Support (For the Individual Fellowship Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award) Now Available
NOT-OD-09-004: Revised PHS 416-1 (Individual Fellowship Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Application) Now Available
NOT-OD-09-003: New NIH Policy on Resubmission (Amended) Applications
NOT-OD-09-002: Non-Competing Grant Awards under the Current Continuing Resolution
NOT-OD-09-001: NIH Announces a New Business Process for Reporting an Identified Financial Conflict of Interest for Grants and/or Cooperative Agreements beginning October 10, 2008

OER LogoWhere Grants Policy, Program Coordination, Compliance and Electronic Research Administration Converge

Articles, comments, questions and suggestions may be addressed to the Editor.

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