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Educational Clearinghouse Database: Browse

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Information Professionals  |  Health Professionals  |  Public

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Title: S

Savvy Library Services for Senior Health
This powerpoint addresses the health information searching behavior of seniors and how librarians can best serve them. The presentation shares lessons learned from outreach with senior citizens and their care providers, suggests resources for healthy aging and describes some meaningful programs for senior health information.

Scholarly Communication: Issues for Health Sciences Libraries in Clinical Settings
Issues related to scholarly communication receive much attention at large academic and research institutions. This web page defines issues and offers suggestions for smaller health sciences libraries, librarians, and the clients they serve.

SEA Currents
Newsletter of the National Network/Libraries of Medicine Southeast Atlantic Region (Region 2)covering the states of AL, DC, FL, GA, MD, MS, NC, Puerto Rico, SC, TN, VA, W. VA and the US Virgin Islands.

Search Clinic: Chemicals & Drugs in PubMed®
Learn how to find articles about a chemical or drug of interest. On August 23, 2007 the U.S. National Library of Medicine hosted a 45-minute online search clinic on how the NLM MeSH vocabulary is used to describe substance concepts and how to search PubMed® for relevant substance articles.

Searching PubMed with MeSH [PDF]
A trifold phamplet (hand out) highlighting major aspects of the MeSH controlled vocabulary.

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