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Educational Clearinghouse Database: Browse

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Information Professionals  |  Health Professionals  |  Public

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Title: C

Can You Hear Me Now? How to Make a Podcast
Thinking about how to promote your services and reach out to more people? Want to learn how podcasts can help and how to make your own? This hands-on class is designed to provide a fun yet informative introduction to podcasting and how you can utilize this technology in your library services, to enable your users to access the information whenever they want, wherever they want and however they want it. Basic steps and suggestions on how to make a podcast will be covered and students will be able to enjoy hands-on practice on popular audio recording and editing software and make their first personal podcast! Note: This class is available as a face-to-face session, and as a combination live online and self-paced session. See the course agenda below for more details.

Caring for the Mind: Providing Mental Health Information at Your Library
Responding to questions involving topics on mental health is challenging even for the most experienced librarian. In \"Caring for the Mind\", participants will learn how to effectively provide mental health information at their libraries. Participants will learn about the best electronic resources to consult as well as ways to improve their print collections. Best approaches for handling interactions with emotional patrons will also be discussed. Other topics covered include: bibliotherapy; assessment/testing; and the future of mental health. This class will increase participants\' skills for providing mental health information for care providers and the public.

Combatting Information Fatigue: Health Information Resources for Veterans
This course covers resources for finding information on general health conditions, mental health resources including those for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), family issues, substance abuse, amputations, support groups and more. Additionally, this class will prepare participants to find and assess other veterans’ health resources.

Communicating about Health: Empowering Patrons to Communicate with Their Health Care Providers
Health questions are routinely asked at the reference desk, and often information is provided with additional encouragement to discuss the findings with the patron’s doctor. However, communicating with the health care provider may not be easy for many people for a variety of reasons. How can patients ask all of their questions if they only see the doctor for just five or ten minutes? What if there are cultural or language barriers? What can libraries or other information providers do to help people be active participants in their own health care? This webcast is geared to libraries and organizations that provide health information to the public, covering issues and resources around the topic of communication between patients and their health care team. The webcasts focuses on issues concerning barriers to communication, the complexity of the health care system, end-of-life issues, patient safety and patient rights. Participants will learn about the best resources and most effective strategies to help patrons learn about communicating with their health care providers in order to take an active role in their health. This webcast is the archived version of a session from the "Health e-Shows" series, a consumer health information series developed by Kelli Ham, NN/LM PSR Consumer Health Coordinator, in collaboration with Infopeople. Materials include the archived webcast, an audio podcast file, handouts and the PowerPoint slides used for the presentation.

Consumer Health Information: American Indian Resources
Annotated listing of Websites related to health concerns of American Indians.

Consumer Health: An Online Manual
A web-based manual for librarians and others who are organizing consumer health collections. Broad range of topics by multiple authors are included in this online manual.

Copyright and ILL
Guidelines? Law? CONTU? This course will give a basic introduction to copyright including the exclusive rights of copyright holders, copyright duration, and fair use. Learn how copyright affects ILL and how librarians can better balance ILL service needs with copyright law. You will also gain an understanding of the features in DOCLINE that address copyright law.

Newsletter of the National Network/Libraries of Medicine Greater Midwest Region covering the states of KY, IL, IN, IO, MI, MN, ND, SD, WI.

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