IFC - International Finance CorporationIFC - International Finance Corporation -- » Reducing Poverty, Improving Lives...

Helping Clients Cope with the Crisis

IFC has launched a broad and targeted set of initiatives to help private enterprises in emerging markets cope with the global financial and economic crises.   

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IFC's Facebook Page Tops 1,000 Fans

In only a few weeks since its launch, IFC's Facebook page has attracted over 1,000 fans. Check it out, become a fan, make a comment, or start a discussion.
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New Program Could Boost Trade by $50 Billion in Developing Countries

The Global Trade Liquidity Program will support trade in developing markets and help address the shortage of trade finance resulting from the global financial crisis.
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Resources from IFC

Energy Efficiency in Belarus

Leading Belarusian companies have the ability to reduce their energy costs significantly, which could increase their global competitiveness, according to this IFC report.
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New Industries from New Places

This book offers lessons for countries hoping to emulate China's and India's success in developing globally competitive new industries in spite of investment-climate deficiencies.
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