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Outreach Evaluation Resource Center

Quarterly Report: November, 2005 - January, 2006

Training and continuing education

Maryanne Blake presented an overview of the SurveyMonkey web-based questionnaire software via Macromedia Breeze at an all-RML teleconference on 11/3/05.

Susan Barnes and Cindy Olney presented the new “Planning and Evaluating Health Information Outreach Projects” workshop on 1/20/06 to staff from six regions plus network members from the Pacific Northwest Region.

Consultation with Network members and NNO

Planning for end-of-contract reporting continued with NNO. Updated questions regarding the Public Health and Public Libraries outreach initiatives were distributed to the 8 NN/LM Associate Directors for their input, and discussed in a conference call on 12/6/05.

Assistance with analysis, synthesis, and reporting of evaluation results

Susan Barnes provided further consultation regarding Tribal Connections Four Corners collaboration reporting and an effective practices entry for the Corporation for National and Community Service web site.

Communications and collaboration

As a member of the NOMC TAC, Susan Barnes facilitated a discussion in which NN/LM PNR staff provided feedback regarding proposed enhancements to the OARF—and reported the results to the TAC.

Utilization and promotion of the evaluation guide

Cindy Olney and Susan Barnes completed the first version of the three booklets in the “Planning and Evaluating Health Information Outreach Projects Series” and had them printed in time for the workshop on 1/20/06. Copies were distributed to all class participants.


Susan Barnes compiled and submitted responses to questions from the National Library of Medicine regarding the proposal for the 2006-2011 OERC contract.