January/February 2001
volume 10, issue 1

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HiPHIVE (Hawaii Public Health Information Virtual Emporium)
NLM Funds Additional Project in Region
eBook Collection Debuts
Keep Up in February!
Calling All Volunteers!
Requests to NLM for Cochrane Database Materials
Measure the Difference
MEDLINEplus News
NLM Technical Bulletin Highlights
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2000 November-December NLM Technical Bulletin Highlights

NLM Gateway

The NLM Gateway is a new Web-based system that allows users of NLM services to initiate searches in multiple retrieval systems from one interface, providing "one-stop searching" for many of NLM's information resources. NLM anticipates that this system will be particularly helpful to Internet users who are unfamiliar with these resources and with the best ways to access them. The article and technical note in this issue of the Bulletin provide instructions for searching the Gateway. The current Gateway searches MEDLINE/PubMed, OLDMEDLINE, LOCATORplus, AIDS Meetings, HSRProj, and MEDLINEplus. The NLM Gateway is at http://gateway.nlm.nih.gov/.

MEDLINE Indexed Citations and Corrections

Due to Year-End Processing (YEP) and the major task of replacing the system that manages the data entry, indexing, and quality control of journal citations, no citations in PubMed have been elevated to MEDLINE status since November 7, 2000. Although NLM will continue to index articles, the update of indexed citations will not take place until early 2001.

This growing pool of unindexed citations is important to note for searchers who have chosen certain search terms from MeSH, from PubMed's Limits feature, e.g., Human, or who have qualified search terms for fields that are added to the citation during NLM's indexing process (Publication Type[pt], Affiliation[ad], Ec/RN number[rn], Subheadings [sh], Subset[sb], Substance Name[nm]).

Note: Limiting to English language (English[la]) will retrieve in-process records.

Cubby stored searches may be affected depending on the search strategy. Searchers may want to consider not limiting their searches using affected fields, e.g., [mh] or [pt] for this period.

Corrections to MEDLINE are also "on hold" for this period. If you or one of your patrons recently reported an error on a MEDLINE citation, e.g., a misspelling of an author's name, this will not be corrected until PubMed is updated in early 2001.

2001 MeSH

This article highlights the additions to several parts of 2001 Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and provides useful links to other MeSH resources at NLM.

Appendix A

The 2001 Update Schedule for MEDLINE on PubMed can be found here. MEDLINE citations added in January 2001 will cover roughly three months of citations that were temporarily on hold.

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