
Resource Centers

A comprehensive collection of posters to promote awareness on a variety of victim-related issues.

Lifetime: Television for Women- Click here for more information about the partnership between Lifetime and the National Center.


Violence Against Women

The National Center for Victims of Crime is dedicated to helping women who have been victimized by crime--and those who support them --find the resources needed to rebuild lives.  

>Browse special collection of on-line resources on Violence Against Women.

For information on reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, see the Public Policy section of our Web site.

Get Help Series

Domestic Violence Stalking
Domestic Violence: Safety Planning for Victims Stalking Incident and Behavior Log
Stalking Incident and Behavior Log  Stalking and the Law
Rape-related PTSD Stalking Questions & Answers
Sexual Assault Sexual Assault Legislation
Dating Violence More help for teens

More Resources

Annual Observances

A wide range of resources to help you and your community observe annual victim-related observances throughout the year.

January National Stalking Awareness Month
April National Sexual Assault Awareness Month
April 10-16 National Crime Victims' Rights Week
October National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

View our posters, brochures, and fact sheets to support your VAW outreach efforts.

/ New Features

Our Efforts on Capitol Hill to End Violence Against Women 

The National Center works with congressional champions and organizational partners on important legislation to end violence against women.  Some of our recent efforts include:

Reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act

One of our top priorities for 2005 is the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, VAWA III.  TheNational Center for Victims of Crime, together with our partners in the National Task Force to End Domestic and Sexual Violence Against Women, will work with Congress on this key legislation to preserve and expand federal support for victim services, enhanced criminal justice response, and public awareness. 

Read our news release on VAWA 2005.

Eliminating the DNA Backlog

The National Center, Lifetime Television, and RAINN have worked to secure federal support to improve and accelerate the testing and use of DNA evidence.  On October 30, federal legislation was signed which provides more than $1 billion in funding to eliminate the nation's backlog of untested DNA evidence and significantly improve the collection and processing of DNA evidence through training grants for sexual assault examiner (SANE) programs, law enforcement officials, and victim service providers.  

The Justice for All Act of 2004 was sponsored by Representative Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-WI), Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Patrick Leahy (D-VT), and Joseph Biden (D-DE).  Read our news release on this important new legislation.

Video Voyeurism

The Video Voyeurism Prevention Act became law on December 23, 2004.  This Act, sponsored by Senators Mike DeWine (R-OH) and Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Representative Mike Oxley (R-OH), makes it a federal crime to intentionally capture images of people in situations in which they have an expectation of privacy.  The law  applies to actions in federal jurisdictions, such as on federal property.  Under the law, video voyeurism is punishable by a fine of not more than $100,000, imprisonment up to one year, or both.  See the National Center's news release .

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