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SOS Program Replication Study 2007
Already implemented the SOS High School Program? Please submit your summary form online or download and fax in our form.

SMH Suicide Prevention Programs Across the Lifecycle.

Help Prevent
Youth Suicide!
SOS: High School Program 

Register Now! Register online for the SOS Program, or download the registration form (PDF).

What is the SOS Signs of Suicide® High School program?
The SOS Signs of Suicide® High School Program is a nationally recognized, easily implemented, cost-effective program of suicide prevention for secondary school students. It is the only school-based program to:

The SOS Program has also documented a dramatic increase in help-seeking (Adolescent and Family Health, 2003).

The main teaching tool of the SOS program is a video that teaches students how to identify symptoms of depression and suicidality in themselves or their friends and encourages help-seeking. The program's primary objectives are to educate teens that depression is a treatable illness and to equip them to respond to a potential suicide in a friend or family member using the SOS technique. SOS is an action-oriented approach instructing students how to ACT (Acknowledge, Care and Tell) in the face of this mental health emergency.

If you are in suicidal crisis and are in need of immediate help, please dial: 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

The National Emergency Assistance Team (NEAT)  is part of the National Association of School Psychologists' (NASP) strategic commitment to help schools, families and communities cope with crisis situations.  To contact a team member through NASP, call (301) 657-0270 or visit their website.