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Archive for the ‘Funding’ Category

Announcing the new NLM Applied Informatics Grants

On September 26, 2008, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) announced the suspension of two informatics grant programs, “Planning Grants for Integrated Advanced Information Management Systems (IAIMS)” and “Knowledge Management & Applied Informatics Grants.” The suspension notices also stated that in the future NLM would solicit applications for knowledge management planning projects by means of a Request for Application (RFA) funding announcement rather than a standing funding announcement. NLM has now released the complete program announcement and first RFA for knowledge management grants with the new funding program, NLM Applied Informatics Grants, The announcement includes complete eligibility information, key dates for submission deadlines, and application review criteria. (more…)

2008 AIDS Community Outreach Projects Funded

In September 2008, the National Library of Medicine announced funding awards for the 15th round of AIDS Community Information Outreach Projects. (more…)

Older Adults and Online Health Information – A Resource for Trainers

Older Adults and Health Information

Do you provide consumer health services and resources in your library? Specifically, are you providing health information to seniors? Many older adults are interested in finding health information on their own, but they may lack the necessary computer or Internet searching skills. If you have ever wanted to provide training to this user group, read on for some exciting news! (more…)

2007 AIDS Community Outreach Projects Funded

In September, 2007, the National Library of Medicine made funding awards for the 14th round of AIDS Community Information Outreach Projects. Since the beginning of this program in 1994, NLM has continued its HIV/AIDS-related outreach efforts to community-based organizations, patient advocacy groups, faith-based organizations, state and local departments of health, and libraries, including public libraries. The program is designed to support local efforts for improving information access for HIV/AIDS patients and the affected community as well as their caregivers. Emphasis is on providing information or access in a way meaningful to the target community. (more…)

NLM Announces New Research Grant Program for Bioinformatics

The National Library of Medicine has released information regarding an R01 grant program titled “NLM Express Research Grants in Biomedical Informatics.” (more…)

Promoting Your Library - A Grant Opportunity

If you promote it, they will come. And if you have money for promoting, so much the better! The Scholastic Library Publishing National Library Week grant is an opportunity to apply for $5,000 for the best public awareness campaign. It is open to any type of library, and may be a great opportunity to get your users aware of resources and services you provide. Here is the announcement from ALA: (more…)

NLM Grants Move to Electronic Submission Process

By October 2007, the application process for National Library of Medicine grant programs will shift from paper-based to electronic format. Grant programs that have already made the transition include NLM’s Knowledge Management & Applied Informatics Grants, Planning Grants for Integrated Advanced Information Management Systems (IAIMS), and Grants for Scholarly Works in Biomedicine & Health. The electronic submission process involves two systems working together; and the NIH electronic Research Administration (eRA) system. provides potential applicants with a single portal to find and apply for funding from all federal grant-making agencies. The NIH eRA Commons provides grantees with information about their grants, including summary statements and progress reports. (more…)

2007 AIDS Community Outreach Projects: Deadline Approaching!

Requests for Quotations for 2007 AIDS Community Information Outreach Projects must be submitted to the National Library of Medicine by Monday, June 18, 2007. These awards are directed at community-based organizations and libraries that are planning to design and conduct projects to improve access to HIV/AIDS related health information for patients, the affected community, and their caregivers. Standard Awards are offered for up to $60,000 and Express Awards are offered for up to $10,000. (more…)

2006-2007 NN/LM PSR Funding Award Recipients

During the first year of our 2006-2011 contract, three Network members successfully applied for and received Express Outreach Awards. The successful applicants include: Jane Barnwell, Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (PREL); Naomi Broering, Pacific College of Oriental Medicine; and Diana Lau, Asian HealthCare Institute, Inc. (more…)

NN/LM PSR Funding Opportunities: It’s Not Too Late to Apply!

NN/LM PSR offers a variety of funding mechanisms to extend our outreach activities. These include Express Outreach Awards, Internet Connectivity awards, the Library Improvement Program, and MedlinePlus Go Local awards. In making awards, we try to fund activities in each state and jurisdiction of the region, adjusting the level according to population needs in those areas. Projects are generally completed within 12 months after the award.