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Archive for November, 2008

National Resource Directory for Service Members and Veterans

Thursday, November 20th, 2008

The NRD is an online partnership for wounded, ill and injured service members, veterans, their families, families of the fallen and those who support them. The NRD provides information on, and access to, medical and non-medical services and resources across the country which will help them reach their personal and professional goals as they successfully transition from recovery to community living. This new website is available at

Guides and Educational Resources

Thursday, November 20th, 2008

Creating Photonovellas
Creating Participatory Photonovels: A Classroom Guide
by Laura Nimmon and Deborah Begoray
Photonovels look like comic books but contain photographs instead of drawings. Because photonovels combine pictures and everyday language, adult ESL learners can use them to communicate their thoughts and ideas. [posted n CLAStalk listserv]

Community Health Workers Guide
The University of Arizona Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Program and the Community Health Worker National Education Collaborative have published a guide for developing community health worker educational programs. It is available from the the Community Health Worker National Education Collaborative web site at:

NCI Releases New Spanish-language Resource For Caregivers
NCI has created a culturally adapted translation of the NCI brochure, Caring for the Caregiver: Support for Cancer Caregivers. Cómo cuidarse mientras usted cuida a su ser querido: Apoyo para personas que cuidan a un ser querido con cancer (How to take care of yourself while taking care of a loved one: Support for people who care for a loved one with cancer is now available online at or by calling the Cancer Information Service at 1-800-4-CANCER. [posted in Heartland CIS e-Bulletin November 2008]

The NCI Offers Free Curriculum to Health Professionals – Palliative and End-of-Life Care of Cancer Patients
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has teamed up with the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and the Lance Armstrong Foundation to offer Education in Palliative and End-of-Life Care for Oncology (EPECTM-O), a comprehensive curriculum designed to educate and equip physicians, nurses, and other health care personnel with the skills needed to address the physical, psychosocial, and spiritual suffering associated with cancer. For more information or to order either the EPECTM-O curriculum or the EPECTM-O curriculum with American Indian and Alaska Native cultural considerations, visit or call 1-800-4-CANCER.

Funding Opportunities

Thursday, November 20th, 2008

Public Health Conference Support Program (CDC-PA-HM09-901)
The purpose of the program is to provide partial support for specific non-Federal conferences in the areas of health promotion and disease prevention, educational programs, and applied research. This program addresses “Healthy People 2010” focus areas, including (among others) Access to Quality Health Services; Cancer; Disability and Secondary Conditions; Educational and Community-Based Programs; Environmental Health; Health Communication; Nutrition and Overweight; Physical Activity and Fitness; Public Health Infrastructure; and Tobacco Use (among youth). This announcement is only for domestic conferences planned to occur within the date range of May 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010. Many types of organizations may be eligible, including (among others), Nonprofit with 501C3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education); Small, minority, and women-owned businesses; Universities; Colleges; Research institutions; Hospitals; Community-based organizations; Faith-based organizations; Federally recognized or state recognized American Indian/Alaska Native tribal governments; American Indian/Alaska native tribally designated organizations; Alaska Native health corporations; Urban Indian health organizations; Tribal epidemiology centers; and State and local governments. Approximately $2.6 million is available (subject to availability of funds). See full details on focus area topics, eligibility and funding amounts at

The *E Pluribus Unum Prizes are intended to recognize exceptional immigrant integration initiatives, whether they are led by individuals, nonprofit and community organizations, private businesses, religious groups, or government entities, agencies, or officials. [posted on CLAStalk listserv]

Urban to Rural Evacuation Tool

Thursday, November 20th, 2008

Taken from the article After the Storm—Disaster Evacuees and Rural Communities

The online mapbased planning tool developed by WNYPHA and its partners, the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago and the Pennsylvania State University Center for Environmental Informatics (PSUCEI), is the central element of the APC’s set of tools. This online tool [note: registration is required] is predicated on the assumption that when a disaster strikes an urban area, a significant number of residents will selfevacuate to surrounding rural communities.

Intended to give local officials a framework around which to focus their planning efforts, the online tool enables users to select a city of interest and model how surrounding counties (within a 150mile radius) might be impacted by the spontaneous evacuation of urban residents following one of three scenarios: a dirty bomb explosion, chemical incident, or influenza pandemic. Users may explore each county’s resources, such as number of hospital beds or hotel rooms, and display maps delineating the numbers of evacuees received by each of the surrounding counties and their resulting population changes. Detailed scenario descriptions give users a means by which to visualize each disaster precipitating the evacuation. The information contained in this tool gives planners the ability to anticipate how many evacuees their community might receive, how this influx compares to the county’s existing population, and what resources the region might leverage to respond to evacuee and resident needs.

World AIDS Day

Thursday, November 20th, 2008

December 1 is World AIDS Day
Resources on HIV/AIDS:
Information from the Federal government about HIV/AIDS prevention, testing, treatment, research, and using new media in response to HIV/AIDS.

The AIDSinfo Web site provides a wide range of resources on HIV/AIDS research, clinical trials, prevention, and treatment information. The site is designed for full accessibility and easy searching. All of the resources can be viewed online. Many can be downloaded in HTML, PDF, or personal digital assistant (PDA) formats. There is even a section for students.

infoSIDA es el sitio web en español de AIDSinfo. AIDSinfo es un Proyecto del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos (conocido como Department of Health and Human Services o HHS en inglés) que ofrece la información más reciente aprobada por el gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos sobre investigaciones clínicas, tratamiento y prevención del VIH/SIDA y pautas sobre las prácticas médicas destinadas a las personas con infección por el VIH/SIDA, sus familias y amigos, proveedores de atención de salud, científicos e investigadores.

The AIDS InfoNet
The AIDS InfoNet is a project of the New Mexico AIDS Education and Training Center in the Infectious Diseases Division of the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. The InfoNet was originally designed to make information on HIV/AIDS services and treatments easily accessible in both English and Spanish for residents of New Mexico. Its mission has expanded to that of providing HIV/AIDS treatment information in non-technical language in various languages. The primary audience for InfoNet materials includes people living with HIV and their caregivers, especially nurses and other first-line treatment providers. Through collaborative agreements with AIDS service organizations in various countries, the InfoNet is expanding the range of languages in which its materials are offered. It has increased the global reach of the InfoNet,by providing informaction in six languages: English, Spanish, Русский язык (Russian), Български (Bulgarian), Bahasa Indonesia and Nepali.

La Infored Sida
La InfoRed SIDA es un proyecto del Centro para la Educación y Entrenamiento sobre SIDA de Nuevo México de la División de Enfermedades Infecciosas del Centro de Ciencias para la Salud de la Universidad de Nuevo México. La InfoRed fue diseñada originalmente para facilitar el acceso a información, en inglés y en español, sobre servicios y tratamientos para el VIH/SIDA a los residentes de Nuevo México. Su misión se ha incrementado hasta la provisión de información sobre el tratamiento de VIH/Sida, en varios idiomas, en lenguaje no técnico. La audiencia primaria para los materiales de la InfoRed SIDA incluye las personas viviendo con el VIH y sus proveedores de cuidado, en especial las enfermeras y otros proveedores de primera línea. Gracias a acuerdos de colaboración con Organizaciones de servicios relacionados con el SIDA y con individuos de varios países, las hojas informativas de InfoRed están disponibles un una variedad en aumento de diferentes idiomas.

On the Road

Monday, November 17th, 2008

I will be in Utah for our “Site Visit” review from our National Network Office of the National Library of Medicine funders. You can read more about it online at

There is an open session being held via teleconference if you can get to a Resource Library in one of the six states covered by the NN/LM MCR. You can find a list of those libraries here: The session is being held Wednesday, November 19th from 12:00-1:50MT, 1:00-2:50CT. Things may be quiet on the blog for the rest of the week.

Awards and Training

Monday, November 17th, 2008

Applications Invited for Medical Student Training in Aging Research Program
Deadline: February 6, 2009
Sponsored by a group of funders and administered by the American Federation for Aging Research ( ), the 2009 Medical Student Training in Aging Research Program provides first-year medical students with an enriching experience in aging-related research and geriatrics under the mentorship of top experts in the field.

American Bar Association Invites Nominations for Disability Rights Award
Deadline: April 1, 2009
The American Bar Association’s ( ) Hearne Award honors the work of Paul G. Hearne, a lawyer and leading disability rights advocate who founded the first legal services office in New York for people with disabilities, authored the first national legal handbook on disability rights, and helped draft the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Sponsored by the American Bar Association’s Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law, the award will be presented to an individual who has performed exemplary service in increasing access to justice for people with disabilities, or an organization or group that furthers the goal of full participation for people with disabilities in society.

Entries Invited for National School Library Media Program of the Year Awards
Deadline: January 2, 2009
Established in 1963, the National School Library Media Program of the Year Award honors school library media programs working to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information.

Copyright (c) 2000-2008, the Foundation Center. All rights reserved. Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this document in whole or in part for non-commercial purposes without fee is hereby granted provided that this notice and appropriate credit to the Foundation Center is included in all copies. RFP Bulletin (November 14, 2008)

Healthy Schools Successful Students

Monday, November 17th, 2008
This site is based on a CDC model for Coordinated School Health that provides a structure for integrating health across eight components of school life in order to assure that children are healthy and ready to learn

Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood?

Monday, November 17th, 2008

Hospitals serving a significant immigrant population find ways to connect with prospective patients across the cultural spectrum. Whether your hospital serves a rainbow of different cultures or a very specific demographic, your communications plan must include them all…

At 689-licensed-bed University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, a team of five librarians set out to break down barriers to healthcare for immigrants. With just $25,000 in grant money, the group developed a tool that hospital marketers nationwide can use to reach out to their own special populations.

—Gienna Shaw

Upcoming Conferences

Friday, November 14th, 2008

8th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth Conference:
Building Safe, Healthy and Livable Communities
January 22-24, 2009, Albuquerque, NM

North American Housing and HIV/AIDS Research Summit
June 3-5, 2009, Washington DC

Third National Leadership Summit

A Bluepring for Change
February 25-27 National Harbor, MD