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Director's Report to the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse - September, 2004

Program Activities

New NIDA PAs and RFAs

On June 16, 2004, NIDA issued a Program Announcement entitled Prescription Drug Abuse (PA-04-110). This PA supersedes PA-01-048 issued in the NIH Guide on February 12, 2001. In revising and reissuing this PA, NIDA continues to encourage research aimed at understanding and reducing prescription drug abuse while supporting appropriate medical use of therapeutic agents with abuse liability. Research is needed to understand the factors contributing to prescription drug abuse, to characterize the adverse medical, behavioral and social consequences associated with this abuse, and to develop effective prevention and service delivery approaches and behavioral and pharmacological treatments.

On August 26, 2004, NIDA issued a Program Announcment entitled MDMA: Research Areas Needing More Emphasis (PA-04-152). The purpose of this PA is to provide an optimally comprehensive, strategic, and balanced MDMA research program, given the upsurge in MDMA use worldwide, including its abuse outside the rave scene. Although researchers have made great strides in characterizing MDMA's neural mechanisms and neurotoxicity, it is necessary now to focus on specific areas of MDMA research, across all research disciplines urgently needing our attention.

On July 7, 2004, NIDA released the RFA entitled The National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (RFA-DA-05-001) for the fourth solicitation for the CTN. This RFA invites cooperative agreement applications from established clinical investigators to participate in the CTN. Applications from geographic areas not currently well represented in the CTN are particularly encouraged. This RFA includes both new applications (new Nodes) and competing continuations. The applications are due October 14, 2004, with an anticipated award date of July 2005.

PAs/RFAs Issued With Other NIH Components/Agencies

On June 8, 2004, NIDA, in conjunction with numerous other NIH components, issued a Program Announcement entitled Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research (K24) (PA-04-107). The purpose of this PA is to provide support for clinician investigators to allow them protected time to devote to patient-oriented reseach (POR) and to act as research mentors primarily for clinical residents, clinical fellows and/or junior clinical faculty. This award is primarily intended for clinician investigators who are at the Associate Professor level or are functioning at that rank in an academic setting or equivalent non-academic setting, and who have an established record of independent, peer-reviewed Federal or private research grant funding in POR.

On June 9, 2004, NIDA and the National Cancer Institute jointly issed a Program Announcement entitled Cross-Disciplinary Translational Research at NIH (PA-04-109). The purpose of this PA is to foster research that will have a practical impact on the treatment and prevention of drug abuse through the development of new research technologies that are based on existing basic and/or clinical research knowledge, and technology transfer knowledge.

On June 18, 2004, NIDA, in conjunction with the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), issued a Program Announcement entitled The Science and Ecology of Early Development (SEED) (PA-04-113). This PA invites research grant applications that seek to develop a comprehensive program of research focused on the mechanisms through which social, economic, cultural, and community-level factors, and their interactions, impact the early cognitive, neurobiological, socio-emotional, and physical development of children.

On June 22, 2004, NIDA, in conjunction with numerous other NIH components, issued a Program Announcement entitled Understanding and Promoting Health Literacy (RO1) (PA-04-116). The goal of this PA is to increase scientific understanding of the nature of health literacy and its relationship to healthy behaviors, illness prevention and treatment, chronic disease management, health disparities, risk assessment of environmental factors and health outcomes including mental and oral health.

On June 22, 2004, NIDA, in conjunction with numerous other NIH components, issued a Program Announcement entitled Understanding and Promoting Health Literacy (RO3) (PA-04-117). The goal of this PA is to increase scientific understanding of the nature of health literacy and its relationship to healthy behaviors, illness prevention and treatment, chronic disease management, health disparities, risk assessment of environmental factors and health outcomes including mental and oral health.

On July 6, 2004, NIDA, in conjunction with a number of other NIH components, issued a Program Announcement entitled Understanding Mechanisms of Health Risk Behavior Change in Children and Adolescents (PA-04-121). Through this PA, participating NIH components invite research grant applications that will enhance our understanding of the factors and mechanisms that determine changes in health risk behaviors during childhood and adolescence. The concept of health risk behavior change is used in this PA to encompass the evolution of specific health impairing behaviors. Of particular interest are factors and processes that influence the initiation, continuation, and/or cessation of one or more of the following health risk behaviors: (1) substance abuse (2) inadequate exercise and poor dietary practices as they relate to being overweight or obese, and (3) intentional and unintentional injuries.

On July 8, 2004, NIDA, in collaboration with numerous other NIH Institutes, released a Program Announcement entitled Novel Approaches to Enhance Animal Stem Cell Research (PA-04-125). The purpose of this PA is to encourage the submission of applications for research to enhance animal stem cells and model biological systems. Innovative approaches to isolate, characterize and identify totipotent and multipotent stem cells from from nonhuman biomedical research animal models, as well as to generate reagents and techniques to characterize and separate those stem cells from other cell types is encouraged.

On July 9, 2004, NIDA, in conjunction with numerous other NIH components issued a Program Announcement entitled Supplements to Promote Reentry Into Biomedical and Behavioral Research Careers (PA-04-126). The aim of these supplements is to encourage individuals with a high potential to reenter an active research career after taking time off to care for children or attend to other family responsibilities to reenter research careers within the missions of all of the program areas of NIH. This program will provide administrative supplements to existing NIH research grants for the purpose of supporting full-time or part-time research by these individuals in a program geared to bring their existing research skills and knowledge up to date.

On August 18, 2004, NIDA, in collaboration with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) released an RFA entitled Enhancing State Capacity to Foster Adoption of Science-Based Practices (RFA-DA-05-002). This initiative is designed to strengthen State Agencies' capacity to support and engage in research that will foster statewide adoption of meritorious science-based policies and practices. Letter of Intent Receipt Date for this RFA is July 17, 2004; Application Receipt Date is August 17, 2004.

On July 28, 2004, NIDA in collaboration with several other NIH components and the Office of Global Health United States Agency for International Development (USAID), issued an RFA entitled Phase II Comprehensive ICOHRTA AIDS/TB (RFA-TW-04-002). The training supported under this RFA will help to produce a cadre of experts who will facilitate integrated clinical, operational and health services research for the benefit of developed and developing country populations. These experts will comprise a resource that will facilitate additional training and research in the region. Letter of Intent Receipt Date for this RFA is November 19, 2004; Application Receipt Date is December 20, 2004.

On August 5, 2004, NIDA, in collaboration with the National Insitutue of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) issued an RFA entitled Hepatitis C Cooperative Research Centers (RFA-AI-04-028). The purpose of this RFA is to foster and stimulate high-quality, multi-disiplinary collaborative research that is focused on developing tools to prevent and cure hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and disease. The goal is to generate research findings that will be directly applicable, particularly to the development of vaccines and (immune) therapeutics. Letter of Intent Receipt Date for this RFA is October 22, 2004; Application Receipt Date is November 22, 2004.

On August 6, 2004, NIDA, several NIH Institutes and the DHHS Office of Research Integrity issued an RFA entitled Research on Research Integrity (RFA-NS-05-003). The purpose of this grant program is to foster empirical research on societal, organizational, group, and individual factors that affect, both positively and negatively, integrity in research. Proposals must have clear relevance to biomedical, behavioral health sciences, and health services research. Letter of Intent Receipt Date for this RFA is October 22, 2004; Application Receipt Date is November 22, 2004.

Other Program Activities

CTN Update

Eight protocols have enrolled patients within the CTN Network, and several additional studies are in the planning stages. Five CTN studies have completed enrollment and follow-up phases. A total of 6,323 patients have been screened with 3,105 of those currently enrolled in trials. In addition to the primary CTN trials, there are 12 studies supported by independent grants or as supplements that use CTN studies as a platform. Highlights of the active program include:

  • Protocol CTN 0003 (Bup/Nx: Comparison of Two Taper Schedules) began enrollment June 30, 2003. The study involves 11 sites across 8 nodes, with a targeted enrollment of 480 participants. Participation is at 41% of the targeted enrollment.
  • Protocol CTN-0004 (Motivational Enhancement Treatment to Improve Treatment Engagement and Outcome in Subjects Seeking Treatment for Substance Abuse) closed enrollment August 9, 2004 and has a target for study completion in November 2004.
  • Protocol CTN 0010 (Buprenorphine/Naloxone Facilitated Rehabilitation for Opioid Dependent Adolescents/Young Adults) began enrollment in July 2003. This is the first protocol in the CTN that targets adolescent substance abusers.
  • Protocol CTN 0011 (A Feasibility Study of a Telephone Enhancement Procedure to Improve Participation in Continuing Care Activities) has completed enrollment and follow-up and is now at the analysis stage.
  • Protocol CTN 0014 (Brief Strategic Family Therapy for Adolescent Drug Abusers) is in the final stages of provider training and will involve three phases of implementation. The first wave of sites has finished protocol training. BSFT will be implemented at 14 sites across 10 nodes plus Puerto Rico. This intervention is the first CTN study to target adolescents and their families. Enrollment is expected to begin in the third quarter of 2004.
  • Protocol CTN 0015 (Women's Treatment for Trauma and Substance Use Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial) began in March 2004. This study is being carried out at 8 sites across 7 Nodes and targeted enrollment is 480. The enrollment is at 24% of the target enrollment.
  • CTN 0018 (Reducing HIV/STD Risk Behaviors: A Research Study for Men in Drug Abuse Treatment), and CTN 0019 (Reducing HIV/STD Risk Behaviors: A Research Study for Women in Drug Abuse Treatment) began enrollment in April 2004. The targeted enrollment is 480 patients for each study.
  • Protocol CTN 0021(Motivational Enhancement Treatment to Improve Treatment Engagement and Outcome for Spanish-Speaking Individuals Seeking Treatment for Substance Abuse) began enrollment in November 2003. This is the first Spanish only protocol in the CTN. It will be conducted at 6 bi-lingual sites across 5 nodes and has a target enrollment of 480 patients.

New Collaborative Study: Starting Treatment with Agonist Replacement Therapies (START)
The CTN will participate with the Division of Pharmacotherapies & Medical Consequences of Drug Abuse on a multi-centered trial to compare the effect of buprenorphine/naloxone (Bup/Nx) and methadone (MET) on liver function in the outpatient setting. This is a randomized, open-label, multi-center, Phase 4 study in participants entering opioid agonist treatment programs at community centers throughout the country. It is anticipated that 1,000 patients will be entered.

Guidelines for Substance Abuse Research Involving Children and Adolescents
Following discussions with bioethics experts and investigators who conduct research involving minors, the Bioethics Task Force of the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse (NACDA), with assistance from OSPC, has drafted Guidelines for Substance Abuse Research Involving Children and Adolescents. These guidelines are intended to highlight and assist researchers and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) in their consideration of some of the specific issues that are pertinent to substance abuse research in minors. They are not intended to replace or augment the regulations that already exist regarding the ethical conduct of research in minors. These draft guidelines are currently being circulated among investigators in the intramural and extramural community, IRB representatives, advocacy organizations, Office of Human Research Protections and NIDA staff for comments. Once these comments have been addressed, the Bioethics Taskforce will present the Guidelines to NACDA for endorsement, after which they will be posted on the NIDA website.

NIDA Summer Research Program
Flair Lindsey, Program Analyst, Special Populations Office, coordinated the eighth annual Summer Research with NIDA program. The program allowed high school and undergraduate students to engage in drug abuse research with NIDA grantees for 8-10 weeks during the summer. In 2004, 70 students and 27 grantees participated in the program.

NIDA's New and Competing Continuation Grants Awarded Since September 2003

Alexander, James F. -- University of Utah
Mechanisms of Effective Family Change In High Risk Youth

Alterman, Arthur I. -- University of Pennsylvania
Does Psychological Wellness Predict Treatment Response?

Altice, Frederick L. -- Yale University
Direct/Observed Therapy/Community-Released HIV+ Prisoners

Amass, Leslie -- Friends Research Institute, Inc.
Voucher-Based Incentives In A Prevention Setting

Babor, Thomas F. -- University of Connecticut School of Medicine and Dentistry
Brief Intervention For Drug Abuse Using the WHO Assist

Babor, Thomas F. -- University of Connecticut School of Medicine and Dentistry
Brief Interventions for Nicotine and Cannabis Use

Baer, John S. -- University of Washington
Development and Evaluation of Context Tailored Training

Baker, David A. -- Marquette University
Cystine-Glutamate Antiporters and Cocaine Reinstatement

Barker, Eric L. -- Purdue University West Lafayette
Vr1 Receptor-Induced Synthesis of Anandamide in Caveolae

Bertram, Richard -- Florida State University
Crcns:Comput./Exp.Study:Hypothal.-Pituitary Interaction

Bevins, Rick A. -- University of Nebraska Lincoln
Acquired Appetitive Properties of Nicotine

Blow, Frederic C. -- University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Services Interventions for Injured ED Substance Abusers

Bolton Oetzel, Keri -- University of New Mexico Albuquerque
Family Attachment As An Indicator of Treatment Outcome

Bonci, Antonello -- Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center
CRF Modulation of NMDA Currents & Behavior in the VTA

Brown, Gregory K. -- University of Pennsylvania
Drug Abuse, Psychological Variables and Suicide Attempts

Brown, Larry K. -- Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI
An Affect Management Intervention For Juvenile Offenders

Buck, Kari J. -- Oregon Health & Science University
Genetic Vulnerability of Drugs of Abuse

Cacciola, John -- Deltametrics
Computer Based Training for Drug Abuse Offenders

Cadoret, Remi J. -- University of Iowa
Gene-Environment Interaction in Etiology of Drug Abuse

Carelli, Regina M. -- University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Combined Voltammetry/Electrophysiology In Behaving Rats

Carise, Deni -- Treatment Research Institute, Inc. (TRI)
Linking Services To Patient Needs For Improved Outcomes

Carroll, Frank I. -- Research Triangle Institute
Selective Opioid Antagonist as Medication for Drug Abuse

Catalano, Richard F. -- University of Washington
Long Term Follow-Up of Focus on Families

Chavkin, Charles -- University of Washington
Regulation of Opioid Signaling By Tyr-Phosphorylation

Chen, Jiang-Fan -- Boston University Medical Campus
Bioinformatics /Molecular Ident. /CIS Elements /Dopamine

Chermack, Stephen T. -- University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Developing Violence Therapy for Substance Abusers

Cicchetti, Dante -- University of Rochester
Chronic Stress of Maltreatment: Drug Use Vulnerability

Cinciripini, Paul M. -- University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Pharmacogenetics, Emotional Reactivity & Smoking

Collins, Allan C. -- University of Colorado at Boulder
Genetics of Nicotine Tolerance: Role of Receptors

Cowan, Ronald L. -- Vanderbilt University
MR Analysis of Persistent CNS Damage In Human MDMA Users

Cravatt, Benjamin F. -- Scripps Research Institute
FAAH: Structure, Function, and In Vivo Inhibition

Dackis, Charles -- University of Pennsylvania
Modafinil Treatment for Cocaine Dependence

Davis, Betsy -- Oregon Research Institute
HIV Prevention: Strengthening Aboriginal Youth

De Wit, Harriet -- University of Chicago
Determinants of Drug Preference in Humans

Deren, Sherry -- National Development & Research Institutes
An Intervention For Migrant Puerto Rican Drug Users

Des Jarlais, Don C. -- Beth Israel Medical Center, New York
Risk Factors for AIDS Among Intravenous Drug Users

Dickson-Gomez, Julia B. -- Institute for Community Research
Housing Status/Stability and HIV Risk Among Drug Users

Edlin, Brian R. -- Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Acute HCV Infection in Injection Drug Users

El-Bassel, Nabila -- Columbia University New York Morningside
HIV/STI Prevention for Drug-Involved Couples

Ellinwood, Everett H. -- Duke University
Cocaine Withdrawal: A Window of Treatment Opportunity

Elman, Igor -- Mc Lean Hospital, Belmont, MA
PTSD and Drug Dependence: Neuroimaging of Reward Circuit

Elmer, Gregory I. -- University of Maryland Baltimore Professional School
Microarray Analysis of Morphine's Behavioral Effects

Farrens, David L. -- Oregon Health & Science University
Purification & Structural Analysis/Cannabinoid Receptor

Festinger, David S. -- Treatment Research Institute, Inc. (TRI)
Ethics of Participant Payment In Drug Abuse Research

Festinger, David S. -- Treatment Research Institute, Inc. (TRI)
Improving the Ethics of Consent In Drug Abuse Research

Friedman, Samuel R. -- National Development & Research Institutes
Community Vulnerability and Responses To IDU-Related HIV

Garcia, Victor Q. -- Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Drug Use Among Migrant Mexican Farmworkers

Garvey, Arthur J. -- Harvard University Medical School
Front-Loaded Counseling to Treat Tobacco Addiction

George, Susan R. -- University of Toronto
Receptors Mediating Drug Dependence

George, Tony P. -- Yale University
Selegiline for Smoking Cessation

Gilbert, David G. -- Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Attentional Bias & Affect In Stress-Vulnerable Smokers

Glick, Stanley D. -- Albany Medical College of Union University
Diencephalic Mechanisms of Drug Abuse

Godley, Susan H. -- Chestnut Health Systems
Adolescent Outpatient & Continuing Care Study (AOCCS)

Gonzalez-Haddad, Gerardo -- Yale University
Tiagabine for Cocaine Dependence In Methadone Treatment

Hagan, Holly -- National Development & Research Institutes
Synthesis: HCV Epidemiology and Prevention In Drug Users

Hamamoto, Darryl T. -- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Chronic Cannabinoids, Tumor Growth and Hyperalgesia

Hammond, Donna L. -- University of Iowa
Spinal GABA Receptors In Neuropathic Pain

Hampson, Robert E. -- Wake Forest University Health Sciences
Cannabinoid Effects On Sensory Processing In Brain

Henggeler, Scott W. -- Medical University of South Carolina
Substance Abusing Delinquents: 5-Year Outcomes of RCT

Hirshfield, Sabina -- Medical and Health Research Associates
Behavioral Risk In Men Recruited Online

Honda, Christopher N. -- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Peripheral Opioid Receptors and Analgesia

Honeycutt, Nancy A. -- Johns Hopkins University
Structural Brain Correlates of MDMA Use

Hook, Vivian Y. -- University of California San Diego
Biosynthesis of Enkephalin Opioid Peptides

Hops, Hyman -- Oregon Research Institute
Preventing HIV/AIDS In Treatment-Resistant Drug-Abusing Youth

Hu, Xiaoping P. -- Emory University
Developmental Effects of Prenatal Cocaine Exposure

Hughes, John R. -- University of Vermont & State Agricultural College
Gradual Vs Abrupt Cessation Treatment for Smoking

Hunt, Geoffrey P. -- Scientific Analysis Corporation
Club Drugs, Dance Events, and Asian-American Youth

Ialongo, Nicholas S. -- Johns Hopkins University
Development & Malleability From Childhood To Adulthood

Inturrisi, Charles E. -- Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Glutamatergic Systems In Pain and Opioid Action

Jayanthi, Lankupalle D. -- Medical University of South Carolina
Cocaine Regulation of Norepinephrine Transporter

Johnson, Mark E. -- University of Alaska Anchorage
HIV Risk Behaviors and Depression Among Drug Users

Jones, Hendree E. -- Johns Hopkins University
Tobacco Use In Opioid Agonist Treated Pregnant Women

Kantak, Kathleen M. -- Boston University Charles River Campus
Cognitive Aspects of Addiction-Related Behavior

Katz, Elizabeth C. -- Friends Research Institute, Inc.
Engaging Detoxification Clients Into Long-Term Treatment

Kelemen, William L. -- California State University Long Beach
Nicotine and Expectancy In Smokers' Cognitive Processes

Kern, Steven E. -- University of Utah
Impact of Gender Differences In Morphine Metabolites

Knight, John R. -- Children's Hospital, Boston MA
Medical Office Intervention for Adolescent Drug Use

Koob, George F. -- Scripps Research Institute
Central Mechanisms of Opiate Reinforcement /Dependence

Kosofsky, Barry -- Massachusetts General Hospital
Structural MR Analyses of Drug Exposed Brains

Kraemer, Kevin L. -- University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh
Societal & Patient Utilities for Drug Problems

Larkin, Heather -- Catholic University of America
Systems Integration and Substance Abuse Service Delivery

Law, Ping-Yee -- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
G Proteins and Opioid Receptor Functions

Lester, Henry A. -- California Institute of Technology
Alpha4 Nicotinic Receptor In Addiction: Mouse Models

Li, Ming D. -- University of Texas Health Sciences Center, San Antonio
Deciphering Genes and Pathways In Nicotine Dependence

Lichtman, Aron H. -- Virginia Commonwealth University
Endocannabinoid Modulation of Memory

Lindberg, Iris -- Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans
Opioid Peptide Synthesizing Enzymes

Little, Karley Y. -- University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Brain Dopamine Alterations In Human Cocaine Users

Lombroso, Paul J. -- Yale University
The PTP, Step, Regulates Amphetamine Actions

Luciana, Monica -- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Adolescent Brain Development and Effects of Drug Abuse

Lutfy, Kabirullah -- Western University of Health Sciences
The Ofq/N/Orl-1 Receptor System & Cocaine Sensitization

Marcus, Marianne T. -- University of Texas Health Sciences Center, Houston
Stress Reduction In Therapeutic Community Treatment

Matell, Matthew S. -- Villanova University
Neural Activity of the Frontal Cortex In Interval Timing

Mcauliffe, William E. -- North Charles, Inc.
Drug Abuse Treatment Access, Service Mix, and Need

Mccabe, Sean E. -- University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Prescription Drug Abuse Among College Students

Mclaughlin, Jay P. -- Northeastern University
Endogenous Opioid Mechanisms Modulating Stress

Mcquiston, Adam R. -- Virginia Commonwealth University
Mop Receptor Effects on The Hippocampal Ca1 Network

Meltzer, Peter C. -- Organix, Inc.
Discovery of Novel Pharmacotherapies: Cocaine Dependence

Miczek, Klaus A. -- Tufts University Medford
Psychomotor Stimulants and Aggression In Animals

Mierke, Dale F. -- Brown University
Drug Design: Glutamate Receptor Signaling

Miller, Kathleen E. -- State University of New York at Buffalo
College Sports, Gender and Substance Use

Mintz, Isabelle -- Northwestern University
DAT Reversal In Isolated Dopaminergic Neurons

Morabito, Maria A. -- University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester
Regulation of Synapses By Cdk5-Dependent Phosphorylation

Morral, Andrew R. -- Rand Corporation
Adolescent Treatment Services: Young Adult Outcomes

Moss, Howard B. -- University of Pennsylvania
5-Ht1b Receptors, Impulsivity and Cocaine Dependence

Muraven, Mark B. -- State University of New York at Albany
Practicing Self-Control Lowers the Risk of Smoking Lapse

Neal-Beevers, A.R. -- Emma Pendleton Bradley Hospital
Joint Attention Predicts Cognitive Outcome In Mls Sample

Nuttbrock, Larry A. -- National Development & Research Institutes
HIV/STD Infection in an Urban High Risk Population

Otto, Michael W. -- Massachusetts General Hospital
Stress, Distress Intolerance, and Drug Dependence

Owens, S. Michael -- University of Arkansas Medical Sciences, Little Rock
Antibody-Based Therapy for Methamphetamine Abuse

Pacula, Rosalie L. -- Rand Corporation
Are There Economic Costs of Marijuana Use?

Paronis, Carol -- Mc Lean Hospital, Belmont, MA
Opioids: Relative Reinforcing Strength and Dependence

Paulus, Martin P. -- University of California San Diego
Neurobiology of Transition To Stimulant Dependence

Pearson, Frank S. -- National Development & Research Institutes
Evidence-Based Principles of Treatment

Perry, David C. -- George Washington University
Chronic Nicotine Effects on Receptor Subtypes

Peterson, Bradley S. -- New York State Psychiatric Institute
MRI of Infants Exposed Prenatally To Drugs of Abuse

Philibert, Robert A. -- University of Iowa
Genetic Studies of Substance Abuse in Iowa Adoptees

Piomelli, Daniele -- University of California Irvine
Characterization of Anandamide Transport in Brain

Polich, John M. -- Scripps Research Institute
Neuroelectric Assessment of Ecstasy Use In Young Adults

Polsky, Daniel E. -- University of Pennsylvania
Cea In Ctn: Bup/Nal Treatment for Opioid Addicted Youth

Potter, Steve M. -- Georgia Institute of Technology
Chemical Reward Systems For Embodied Cultured Networks

Premont, Richard T. -- Duke University
Dopamine Receptor Regulation By Grks In Drug Abuse

Raffa, Robert B. -- Temple University
Joint Action Analysis of Poly-Drug Withdrawal

Rao, Uma -- University of Texas SW Medical Center, Dallas
Neuronal Risk Markers for Nicotine Dependence In Youth

Rao, Uma -- University of Texas SW Medical Center, Dallas
Stress and Risk For Substance Abuse In Adolescents

Roehrs, Timothy A. -- Case Western Reserve University-Henry Ford Health Science Center
Abuse Liability Associated With Chronic Hypnotic Use

Roffman, Roger A. -- University of Washington
Reaching and Motivating Change In Teen Marijuana Smokers

Roll, John M. -- Friends Research Institute, Inc.
Contingency Management: Duration Effects

Rosen, Marc I. -- Yale University
Payees, Disability Payments and Dual Diagnosis

Rosen, Marc I. -- Yale University
Abstinence Linked Money Management

Rowland, Melisa D. -- Medical University of South Carolina
CRA for Substance Abusing Caregivers of Delinquent Youth

Rowlett, James K. -- Harvard University Medical School
Anxiolytic Effects and Abuse of Benzodiazepine Receptor Ligands

Rowlett, James K. -- Harvard University Medical School
Primate Model of the Transition To Cocaine Addiction

Safren, Steven A. -- Massachusetts General Hospital
CBT For Depression & Adherence In HIV Methadone Patients

Scheier, Lawrence M. -- Behavioral Health Research Center-Southwest
Validity of Ethnic Identity and Adolescent Drug Use

Schumacher, Joseph E. -- University of Alabama at Birmingham
Transporting Behavioral Treatment For IDU's In Ukraine

Schwartz, Robert P. -- Friends Research Institute, Inc.
Entry and Engagement In Methadone Maintenance Treatment

Setlow, Barry -- Texas A&M University System
Lasting Effects of Cocaine on Cognition and Motivation

Siggins, George R. -- Scripps Research Institute
Morphine Like Brain Peptides-Cellular Neurobiology

Slater, Michael D. -- Colorado State University-Fort Collins
In-School and Community Media Prevention

Spealman, Roger D. -- Harvard University Medical School
Mglur5 Mechanisms In Primate Models of Cocaine Abuse

Sprague, Jon E. -- Ohio Northern University
Ecstasy's Neurotoxicity: Role of Hyperthermia

Stevens, Craig W. -- OSU Center of Health Sciences
Functional Evolution of Opioid Receptors

Stout, Robert L. -- Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation
Organizational Factors In Drug Abuse Treatment Outcomes

Strauss, Shiela M. -- National Development & Research Institutes
Increasing HCV Knowledge & Service Use In Drug Treatment Programs

Suchman, Nancy E. -- Yale University
Fostering Mothers' Emotionally-Responsive Parenting

Sullivan, Tami P. -- Yale University
Violence, PTSD Symptoms and Substance Use

Swan, Gary E. -- SRI International
Impact of Smoking Cessation on Sleep

Teicher, Martin H. -- Mc Lean Hospital, Belmont, MA
Early Stress, PTSD, and the Neurobiology of Addiction

Thayer, Stanley A. -- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
HIV Neurotoxicity-Mechanism & Modulation By Cannabinoids

Thomas, David L. -- Johns Hopkins University
Hepatitis C Pathogenesis & the Human Genome

Tsao, Jennie C. -- University of California Los Angeles
Pain and Drug Abuse In HIV: Impact on Health Services

Victor, Ronald G. -- University of Texas SW Medical Center, Dallas
Cocaine and Sympathetic Nerve Activity In Humans

Vlahov, David H. -- New York Academy of Medicine
Club Drug Use and HIV Risks Among Minorities In NYC

Volsky, David J. -- St. Luke's-Roosevelt Institute for Health Sciences
Mouse Model of HIV-1 Infection and Drug Addiction

Von Zastrow, Mark E. -- University of California San Francisco
Membrane Trafficking of Opioid Receptors

Walsh, Sharon L. -- Johns Hopkins University
Licit & Illicit Opioids: Comparative Studies In Humans

Wang, Guangdi -- Xavier University of Louisiana
Recepter Binding Properties of Cannabinoid Metabolites

Weisner, Constance M. -- University of California San Francisco
Long-Term Impact of Drug Treatment on Outcome & Cost

Weiss, Friedbert -- Scripps Research Institute
Novel Treatments for Cocaine Dependence

Weiss, Friedbert -- Scripps Research Institute
Dysregulation of Brain Stress Systems and of Relapse

Weitzman, Elissa R. -- Harvard University School of Public Health
Environment Alcohol Abuse Prevention--Drug Abuse Effect

Wilcox, George L. -- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Mechanisms of Opioid Receptor Interactions

Winzer-Serhan, Ursula H. -- Texas A&M University Health Science Center
Nicotinic Modulation of Hippocampal Development

Wong, Conrad J. -- Johns Hopkins University
Integration of the Therapeutic Workplace In Drug Court

Yonkers, Kimberly A. -- Yale University
Psychosocial Research To Improve Drug Treatment In Pregnancy

Zubieta, Jon-Kar -- University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Neurochemical Endophenotype Responses To Pain-Stress


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