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Hot News May 14, 2009  

ICT Business Opportunities in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

OTEC has compiled a table of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) business opportunities in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. The $787 billion stimulus package includes specific opportunities for suppliers of ICT services and products in the following sectors: computer hardware and software, data storage, networking equipment, broadband equipment, telecommunications services, electrical instruments, semiconductors, photovoltaics (solar cells), and other electronic components. The ARRA also provides funding for certain R&D projects of interest to ICT companies. Click here for details. The table will be updated as more information becomes available, so check back often.


A New Direction in Software Delivery: Opportunities and Challenges for U.S. Suppliers in an Emerging Global Market
"A New Direction in Software Delivery" provides an analysis of the rise of “Software-as-a-Service” (SaaS) as a key software delivery model and the enormous opportunities and challenges for U.S. suppliers in this emerging global market. This paper focuses on the mounting corporate interest in SaaS, particularly, in the United States; a U.S. industry which is highly innovative and currently dominates the world market, but is undergoing consolidation and faces growing foreign competition; and the long-term prospects for U.S. exporters in a world market where demand for SaaS is expected to soar over the next several years. The paper also briefly discusses the data security and privacy concerns that have emerged as potential trade barriers for U.S. SaaS firms and the U.S. Government’s efforts to address them. Review document here. [This paper is not a reflection of official positions of the International Trade Administration.]

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Solarcon China 2009

Approved by Bobby for 508 compliancy, you do not need to have this image on your web pages!! This page was last updated on 05/08/2009. This site is operated by the Office of Technology and Electronic Commerce (OTEC) division of the International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.

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