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Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

NLM and NN/LM at MLA

Monday, May 11th, 2009

For a list of the events sponsored by the NLM and NN/LM at MLA go to:

NN/LM MCR staff member events:

Friday May 15, 7:00-11:00 AM - CE “Getting Started with Information Outreach in MinorityCommunities” - Siobhan Champ-Blackwell
Sunday May 17, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM - Presentation: “Infusing Health Sciences Libraries with Economic Muscle” - Betsy Kelly
Monday May 18, 10:30 AM-Noon - Panel “Technology and E-resources: Evolving with the Times” - John Bramble, panelist
Tuesday May 19, 1:00-2:30 PM - Panel “The Healthy Library: Creating a Culture of Wellness” - Siobhan Champ-Blackwell, moderator
“Evaluation of 13 Things: A Learning 2.0 Self Discovery Class” - Rebecca Brown & Sharon  Dennis
“Fusing and Collaborating: A Joint Library Project on Google Docs” - Marty Magee

MLA Continuing Education credit now available for Spotlight! Web conferences

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

As of May 27, 2009, one Medical Library Association Continuing Education credit can be awarded to attendees of the web conferences for Spotlight! on National Library of Medicine resources.

On Wednesday, May 27, at 1:00 MT, 2:00 CT, for one hour Siobhan Champ Blackwell will present the first of three monthly Spotlight! sessions focused on toxicology. Databases covered in this session include the Hazardous Substances Data Bank, HazMap and WISER. The class includes hands-on exercises.

This online training is FREE, and requires no registration. All you need is a computer with Internet access and a phone. You’ll sign in as a guest, enter your phone number when prompted and the system will call you! Access it by going to: To receive the MLA CE credit, you will need to attend the class, participate in the exercises and e-mail Marty Magee: An evaluation form will be sent to you to complete before the MLA CE certificate will be sent to you.

The Spotlight! on National Library of Medicine Resources, targeted for the fourth Wednesday each month will continue on June 24 with Dana Abbey presenting TOXLINE, TOXMAP, Toxics Release Inventory and Toxtown.

Open Forum at MLA 09 on Health Information Literacy Research Project

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

The Medical Library Association (MLA), in partnership and with funding from the U.S. National Library of Medicine, undertook a Health Information Literacy Research Project to study, among other issues, the librarian’s role as a health literacy educator for both health care providers and consumers. Through the results of a survey of health care providers and hospital administrators, and the development, presentation, and evaluation of a health information literacy curriculum for health care providers based in part on the survey results, MLA concluded that librarians were perceived by hospital-based providers and administrators to play a critical role in the provision of health information literacy (HIL) education.

Also, the study demonstrated that HIL training increased health care providers’ knowledge of health literacy and its impact on patient care and made them more likely to seek assistance from their librarians and use librarian-supported health information literacy services.

Come hear more about the results of this important research project including reports from two of the nine pilot site librarians who helped to test the developed curriculum with health care providers. Panel speakers include:

  • Jean P. Shipman, Co-principal investigator and Director, Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah
  • Andrea Harrow, Good Samaritan Hospital Health Sciences Library
  • Holly Kimborowicz, Lake Hospital System Medical Library

Date/Time/Location: Tuesday, May 19, 7:30 - 8:30 AM, Room 304AB, Convention Center

Questions, email Jean Shipman at jean.shipman@utah.ed

Free Book Download: The Swine Flu Affair

Wednesday, April 29th, 2009
Free download from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) - a review of the 1976 vaccinations for the swine flu and the overall program.

Harvey Fineberg, former president of the IOM, co-authored a book on swine flu. The book is available for free download via the link below

Richard Neustadt and Harvey Fineberg. (1978). The Swine Flu Affair: Decision-Making on a Slippery Disease.

All you wanted to know about Drug Resources - Our next Spotlight! on National Library of Medicine Resources

Thursday, April 16th, 2009

On Wednesday, April 22 at 1:00 MT, 2:00 CT for one hour - presented by Jim Honour. Tune in to see multiple different resources for drug information. Class includes hands-on exercises!

This online training is FREE, and requires no registration. All you need is a computer with Internet access and a phone. You’ll sign in as a guest, enter your phone number when prompted and the system will call you! Access it by going to:

The series is targeted for the fourth Wednesday each month. And our May offering will be on May 27th, covering the Hazardous Substances Data Bank, Haz-Map, and WISER.

April Breezing Available Online

Thursday, April 16th, 2009

Did you miss the April 15, 2009 Breezing Along with the RML session? It is now available online at:

April’s presentations focused on technology for libraries and librarians.

Sharon Dennis, Technology Coordinator, gave a presentation entitled “Surprised by Twitter: Using Twitter for Information Discovery.” She gave a brief introduction to Twitter, talked about Twitter as a means for libraries and librarians to share information with patrons and colleagues, and then discussed how Twitter can be used to find information through a series of new Twitter search tools. The search tools can be used without signing up for Twitter itself. She provided examples of how Twitter helped her with a recent project.

Rebecca Brown, Kansas and Technology Liaison, presented Screencasting: the what, why and how. Several freely available tools were discussed as well.


College of DuPage - April 16, 2009 - Thursday - Health Reference Basics

Monday, April 13th, 2009

You might be interested in the upcoming College of DuPage offering, April 16 - Soaring to Excellence: an Ounce of Prevention: Health Reference Basics. It will be held on Apr. 16, from 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. MT, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. CT. See:

Free in Colorado through the Biographical Center for Research:

Free in Missouri, from Missouri State Government at:

Free in Nebraska, see Nebraska Library Commission at: and search on the Training Calendar by using DuPage.

Free in Utah, see University of Utah, Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library:

Breezing with the RML - April 15th

Sunday, April 12th, 2009

Join us for our next Breezing with the RML on Wednesday, April 15th at 10 am MT/11 am CT. Follow this URL to join the meeting:

This month’s presentations will focus on technology for libraries and librarians.

Sharon Dennis, Technology Coordinator, will give a presentation entitled “Surprised by Twitter: Using Twitter for Information Discovery.” She’ll give a brief introduction to Twitter, talk about Twitter as a means for libraries and librarians to share information with patrons and colleagues, and then discuss how Twitter can be used to find information through a series of new Twitter search tools. The search tools can be used without signing up for Twitter itself. She’ll give examples of how Twitter helped her with a recent project.

Rebecca Brown, Kansas and Technology Liaison, presents Screencasting: the what, why and how. Several freely available tools will be discussed as well.

See you there.

If you missed the latest Spotlight! session

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009

You can still watch “Spotlight! on National Library of Medicine Resources.” The latest session “Educational Resources for Kids” presented March 25, has been posted along with other past offerings at:
And while you’re there - check out upcoming offerings as well!

College of DuPage offering - April 16 - An Ounce of Prevention: Health Reference Basics

Friday, March 27th, 2009

You might be interested in the upcoming College of DuPage offering, April 16 - Soaring to Excellence: an Ounce of Prevention:Health Reference Basics. It will be held on Apr. 16, from 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. MT, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. CT. See:

Free in Colorado through the Biographical Center for Research:

Free in Missouri, from Missouri State Government at:

Free in Nebraska, see Nebraska Library Commission at: and search on the Training Calendar by using DuPage.

Free in Utah, see University of Utah, Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library: